Tag: personal blogging

Blog Hiatus | Baby Time (+ Nursery Photos!)

November 18, 2017 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life, Personal
Blog Hiatus | Baby Time (+ Nursery Photos!)

Hi all! It feels a little bit weird to be writing a blog hiatus post when I’ve already been gone so long. But I wanted to let you know, officially, that I’m being induced this weekend! I’m nervous and excited for this new chapter of our lives to begin – and to meet our new little reader. Here are some photos of our nursery – we’ve worked really hard at getting it ready and crafty and pretty for our little girl: Isn’t it cute? I made the ice cream mobile in the leftmost picture, and the wall hangings were made […]

Lately on Mostly YA Lit | Summer & Fall 2017

September 29, 2017 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life, Personal
Lately on Mostly YA Lit | Summer & Fall 2017

Hi guys, you may have noticed that things have been a bit slow around here. I wanted to give you an update on what’s been happening. It’s been a massively busy and emotional last few months, especially since I first announced that I was pregnant. So here’s what I’ve been up to. My grandmother: Without a doubt, the single thing that has defined the last few weeks has been my grandmother’s death. She passed away on September 1, and I’m still mourning and trying to process that last week with her. I’m so grateful that we were able to be […]

#TiffTakesAsia | Blog Hiatus (Sorta)

August 31, 2016 / 6 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life, Personal
#TiffTakesAsia | Blog Hiatus (Sorta)

blog hiatus  aka #tifftakesasia Hi guys, if you follow me on social media, you know that #TiffTakesAsia is happening TODAY.  Yes, that’s right, as you read this, I am probably on a plane with my husband, headed to Hong Kong to see my family, followed by Taipei and Tokyo! But not to worry, even though I’m gone, the blog is not. You’ll still be seeing reviews on Mostly YA Lit for some of fall’s hottest titles, starting with Leave Me by Gayle Forman (this week!). I won’t be doing any memes while I’m gone, though, and I won’t super responsive on […]

Ten Facts About Me | Top Ten Tuesday

Ten Facts About Me | Top Ten Tuesday

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a fun and personal one: top ten facts about me! I have an about page, but sometimes I forget to talk about myself enough in my blogs, so I’m excited for you to get to know me better (and vice versa!). In writing this post, I thought I’d try to focus on things that I don’t talk about a lot on this blog – my interests, obsessions, and just…life outside my blog. Here we go: 1. I’m a singer. This is probably the biggest part of my life I don’t talk about! I’m a […]

Impressions: Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour | #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWeek

Impressions: Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour | #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWeek

Today for Morgan Matson Week, I’m taking you way, way back to the beginning of my love affair with Morgan Matson’s books to her debut, Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour. Each part of this post was written at a different time – weeks before re-reading, right before, and after. Writing this post has been a journey into my memories and who I was five years ago – and how much I’ve changed (thank you, Morgan, as usual, for the reflective inspiration!). And, so you don’t think it’s just me who’s having a nostalgic moment, Ambur at Burning Impossibly Bright is […]

#Loveathon 2016: Getting to Know You (and Me!)

#Loveathon 2016: Getting to Know You (and Me!)

Hi guys, for the next two days, I’m participating in #Loveathon, which is a celebration of bloggers and blogging and our community! It’s hosted by Alexa of Alexa Loves Books, Cee of The Novel Hermit, Hazel of Stay Bookish & Mel of The Daily Prophecy, all of whom are amazing bloggers. For the first task, we had to answer this questionnaire about ourselves, so here we go! Loveathon 2016: Questionnaire 1. What’s your name? Tiff Ing 2. Where in the world are you blogging from? Toronto, Ontario, Canada 3. How did you get into blogging in the first place? I took the plunge […]

2015 End of Year Bookish Survey!

2015 End of Year Bookish Survey!

Hi all, happy 2016! I’m a little late with the 2015 End of Year Bookish Survey because I’ve been at Disney World with my family. I’m actually still there, but every year I attempt to get Jamie @ The Perpetual Page-Turner‘s End of Year Bookish Survey done and every year I fail. Not this year! I’m doing it from FLORIDA! Read on for my stats and favourites – and let me know if yours correlate. 2015 Reading Stats Number Of Books You Read: 83 plus some novellas and short stories Number of Re-Reads: 10. I’m not very good at tracking re-reads, but […]

I’m Back + What’s Coming Up on Mostly YA Lit!

November 20, 2015 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life, Personal
I’m Back + What’s Coming Up on Mostly YA Lit!

Just a quick note to say that I took an unintentional break from Mostly YA Lit for the last few weeks because I was travelling (hey, look at me visiting with Andi of Andi’s ABCs, Sarah of What Sarah Read, and Gail of Ticket to Anywhere in Boston!) and book slumping, then I was super busy at work. But my big project at work has finished and I’m SO ready to come back to writing and fangirling over books! What You’ll See on Mostly YA Lit in the next few weeks: -a review of Winter by Marissa Meyer (it’s over […]

On Dawson’s Creek and Love Triangles [Capeside Revisited]

October 22, 2015 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Discussion, Feature, Personal, TV
On Dawson’s Creek and Love Triangles [Capeside Revisited]

Hold onto your horses, guys. I’m about to defend young adult love triangles using Dawson’s Creek. *waits for falling anvils* When Rachel from Hello, Chelly asked me to be part of Capeside Revisited, her Dawson’s Creek appreciation week, I immediately started writing a post – without a lot of thought, just putting down ideas. And what really came out of it – aside from my encyclopedic knowledge of this show and how seminal it was to my understanding of teenagerhood – was the realization that this is one of the first stories I’d ever seen where a love triangle was […]

#TheStartofEmandYou Wrap-Up!

#TheStartofEmandYou Wrap-Up!

Guys, this week has been one of the most special in my blogging career. When I first came up with the idea of an Emery Lord appreciation week, I figured I’d just write my reviews and send out a few tweets. Never would I have guessed that I would get to interview Emery or commission a quiz from her! Thanks to all of you, and especially Bloomsbury, Penguin Canada, and Emery, this has turned into such a fun, emotional, literary week, so thank you so much for that. I’ve been reading all of the comments, and it has been so gratifying […]