Category: Book Extras

Five Reasons to Read PS I Still Love You by Jenny Han | #3DaysofLaraJean | Giveaway

Five Reasons to Read PS I Still Love You by Jenny Han | #3DaysofLaraJean | Giveaway

Hi guys! Welcome to #3DaysofLaraJean, in which I celebrate all things pretty, lacey, and sweet about Lara Jean Song Covey, the heroine of Jenny Han’s To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before series. For the next three days, I’ll be reviewing the final two books of the trilogy and sharing some of my favorite moments and thoughts about what has become one of my favorite contemporary series. Also! Jenny Han will be stopping by the blog for a Q&A in which I talk all things Lara Jean (and Belly-Conrad-Jeremiah) with her! Schedule: Day 1 – 5 Reasons to Read PS […]

GIVEAWAY | Why Anne of Green Gables Is My Favourite YA Character | Book Madness 2017

GIVEAWAY | Why Anne of Green Gables Is My Favourite YA Character | Book Madness 2017

Hi guys, I’m so excited to be part of Maggie Ann Martin’s Book Madness 2017! For those of you who don’t know, Book Madness is like March Madness – but with our favorite book characters instead of, you know, sports. Here’s how Maggie describes it: Book Madness 2017 is a chance for participating bloggers to gush about their favorite characters. Every few days there will be a new round of votes throughout the month of March to narrow all 64 of those characters down to one ultimate champion. Just like last year there will be prizes for viewers/voters and the […]

January 2017 Uppercase Box | Book Subscription Box Review!

January 2017 Uppercase Box | Book Subscription Box Review!

Hi all, I’ve got something really special for you today – a review of the January 2017 Uppercase Box! When founder Lisa Parkin reached out to me asking if I would review her book subscription box for the next few months, I jumped at the chance. Uppercase Box is a YA exclusive book subscription box. In each box, you get: A new hardcover YA book The book will be signed, or there will be a signed bookplate Signed Book or Bookplate Signed by the Author 1-2 exclusive and custom bookish items The Uppercase Reading Experience with exclusive content for that […]

2016 End of Year Bookish Survey | Mostly YA Lit

2016 End of Year Bookish Survey | Mostly YA Lit

Ok, so 2016? Not a great year. And yet, there were some pretty great books published this year, so I’m here today with Jamie @ The Perpetual Page-Turner‘s End of Year Bookish Survey! Read on for my stats and favourites – and let me know if yours correlate. Also, if you want to win one of my fave books this year, check out my best of 2016 post for an international giveaway! 2016 Reading Stats Number Of Books You Read: 92 and I just started two! I made my Goodreads challenge! Number of Re-Reads: 12. I’m not very good at tracking re-reads, but this […]

GIVEAWAY CONTEST: Heartless by Marissa Meyer | Blog Tour: Queen of Hearts Excerpt + Review!

GIVEAWAY CONTEST: Heartless by Marissa Meyer | Blog Tour: Queen of Hearts Excerpt + Review!

Hi guys, I’m delighted to be the first stop on the Canadian blog tour for Heartless by Marissa Meyer! Heartless comes out tomorrow, and to celebrate, I’ve got an excerpt focused on the future Queen of Hearts herself, Lady Catherine Pinkerton, and my review. Oh, and I’m also giving away a copy of the book – internationally! As many of you know, I’m a HUGE fan of Ms. Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles series, which are four connected sci-fi fairy tale retellings. Marissa has an incredible talent for making fairy tale characters realistic and making us care about them. At the same time, she plays […]

I DON’T Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie | Bookish Confessions #1

I DON’T Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie | Bookish Confessions #1

Bookish Confessions is a new feature on Mostly YA Lit. Inspired by The Broke and the Bookish’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt on blogging confessions, I realized I had so many bookish or blogger confessions that I needed more time to explore them all. Once every two weeks, I’ll share one shameful truth about me as a reader, blogger and booklover. Ready? Let’s go! Yup, it’s true. I don’t like big books, and I cannot lie. I know I’m supposed to be like, “Yay, big tomes! Yay, more words! Yay, more of living in this book’s world!” I am, after all, […]

GIVEAWAY: Who’s your favorite #BossBabe? | Boss Babes by Michelle Volansky

October 17, 2016 / 10 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Book Extras, Giveaway, Giveaways
GIVEAWAY: Who’s your favorite #BossBabe? | Boss Babes by Michelle Volansky

Hey guys, today I have a special post for you! Workman Publishing very kindly sent me a copy of their new colouring and activity book, Boss Babes. As you’ll see below, this book is all about celebrating the strong ladies in our lives – both the ones we see on the news, and each other. Since today is National Boss’ Day, I’m sharing a US/Canada giveaway for the book, along with my thoughts and bonus! A colouring of one of my fave boss babes. Scroll down to enjoy! Boss Babes is an absolutely adorable colouring and activity book. Warning, though: […]

I Double Dog Dare You: Morgan Matson x Dogs + Favorites Poll! #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWeek

I Double Dog Dare You: Morgan Matson x Dogs + Favorites Poll! #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWeek

Hi guys, welcome to Day 6 of Morgan Matson Week! It’s the weekend, so today, I’m all about the fun – and what’s more fun than Morgan Matson x dogs? We all know that Morgan adores dogs. She has her own little mutt, Murphy (not to be confused with Second Chance Summer’s Murphy!), and as she’s continued to own him, we’ve seen everything from Instagram posts to videos of Murphy (is he not adorable, OMG ??). Nowhere is Morgan’s love of dogs more apparent than in her new book The Unexpected Everything. Andie, the main character, ends up taking a job […]

Which Morgan Matson character are you? | Quiz + Giveaway | #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWeek

Which Morgan Matson character are you? | Quiz + Giveaway | #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWeek

Hi guys, today for #MorganMatsonWeek, Morgan has written a character quiz for you to take – find out whether you’re an Amy, an Emily, or an Andie below (Taylor is not included because Morgan thought she was too sad ?)! Let me know in the comments which character you are for a chance to win an epic The Unexpected Everything prize pack! Also on the blog today, best friends Estelle and Magan from Rather Be Reading discuss their friendship, and how their lives have changed since first picking up Morgan Matson’s books. QUIZ: Which Morgan Matson character are you? I’ve teamed […]

Top Must-Sees in Paris: The Distance from A to Z by Natalie Blitt [Guest Post]

Top Must-Sees in Paris: The Distance from A to Z by Natalie Blitt [Guest Post]

Hi guys, today I’m delighted to welcome Natalie Blitt, author of The Distance from A to Z, to the blog! I know a lot of you are big fans of Paris, and this book sounds like the perfect read to whet your appetite. Natalie is here today to share some of her main character Abby’s favourite spots if she could go to Paris. Read on and find out more about the book (SO CUTE) and where you should be heading (and no, it’s not just the touristy places)! About the Book Abby’s Top Must-Sees in Paris 1. Angelina Cafe. It’s gorgeous […]