Category: Blogging Life

#TiffTakesAsia | Blog Hiatus (Sorta)

August 31, 2016 / 6 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life, Personal
#TiffTakesAsia | Blog Hiatus (Sorta)

blog hiatus  aka #tifftakesasia Hi guys, if you follow me on social media, you know that #TiffTakesAsia is happening TODAY.  Yes, that’s right, as you read this, I am probably on a plane with my husband, headed to Hong Kong to see my family, followed by Taipei and Tokyo! But not to worry, even though I’m gone, the blog is not. You’ll still be seeing reviews on Mostly YA Lit for some of fall’s hottest titles, starting with Leave Me by Gayle Forman (this week!). I won’t be doing any memes while I’m gone, though, and I won’t super responsive on […]

10 YA Books That Promote LGBTQ, Diversity & Compassion | Top Ten Tuesday

10 YA Books That Promote LGBTQ, Diversity & Compassion | Top Ten Tuesday

I’m taking a few liberties with this week’s #TopTenTuesday topic, which is books we’re looking forward to for the back half of 2016. In the wake of what happened in Orlando on Sunday, and the scary and sometimes completely incomprehensible violence around us, I thought I’d use this week’s #TTT to highlight some recent and upcoming books that promote inclusivity, diversity, and compassion, especially for the LGBTQ community. For me, the book community is a place where everyone is welcome and tolerated, whether you’re a geek or a nerd, a white person, a person of color, an introvert or an extrovert, […]

I’m Readathoning!

April 23, 2016 / 3 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life, Personal
I’m Readathoning!

Hi all, today I’m participating in Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon! This is my first time and I’m nervous and excited. Check back here for my updates as things go on. I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it through 24 hours, but I’ll definitely try for at least 16. So here we go! —– Intro Meme – Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon 1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Toronto, Ontario, Canada! 2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? Here’s my stack: I’m currently reading The Raven King. Will be starting […]

Things I’m Swooning Over | Lately…on Mostly YA Lit

Things I’m Swooning Over | Lately…on Mostly YA Lit

Lately…on Mostly YA Lit is a new feature where I talk about things I’m watching, reading, loving or doing lately. Inspired by Jamie at The Perpetual Page-Turner‘s “New to the Queue” feature, Lately…will be my catch-all personal blogging feature where I tell you a little about my life at the moment. Hello all! Today I’m doing a special post on things I’m swooning over lately – whether it’s book boy/girlfriends, TV, webseries, and more. The impetus for this post? My #OTSPSecretSister! If you don’t know about the On The Same Page Secret Sister Project, it’s a essentially a penpal project […]

#Loveathon 2016: Getting to Know You (and Me!)

#Loveathon 2016: Getting to Know You (and Me!)

Hi guys, for the next two days, I’m participating in #Loveathon, which is a celebration of bloggers and blogging and our community! It’s hosted by Alexa of Alexa Loves Books, Cee of The Novel Hermit, Hazel of Stay Bookish & Mel of The Daily Prophecy, all of whom are amazing bloggers. For the first task, we had to answer this questionnaire about ourselves, so here we go! Loveathon 2016: Questionnaire 1. What’s your name? Tiff Ing 2. Where in the world are you blogging from? Toronto, Ontario, Canada 3. How did you get into blogging in the first place? I took the plunge […]

5 Bookish Resolutions For 2016 | #TopTenTuesday

5 Bookish Resolutions For 2016 | #TopTenTuesday

Guys, I’m not a resolution maker. I used to be, but I decided a few years ago that I was crap at New Year’s resolutions, so I stopped. But this year I really do have bookish resolutions for 2016. Ten is pushing it, so I’m sharing with you 5 bookish/blogging goals for the next year. Request Fewer ARCs – I’m not quite doing a Picky Pledge, but one of my goals this year is to scale back on review books and try to tackle my TBR. I’m still going to be doing a lot of early reviewing, but I’m tired […]

2015 End of Year Bookish Survey!

2015 End of Year Bookish Survey!

Hi all, happy 2016! I’m a little late with the 2015 End of Year Bookish Survey because I’ve been at Disney World with my family. I’m actually still there, but every year I attempt to get Jamie @ The Perpetual Page-Turner‘s End of Year Bookish Survey done and every year I fail. Not this year! I’m doing it from FLORIDA! Read on for my stats and favourites – and let me know if yours correlate. 2015 Reading Stats Number Of Books You Read: 83 plus some novellas and short stories Number of Re-Reads: 10. I’m not very good at tracking re-reads, but […]

I’m Back + What’s Coming Up on Mostly YA Lit!

November 20, 2015 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life, Personal
I’m Back + What’s Coming Up on Mostly YA Lit!

Just a quick note to say that I took an unintentional break from Mostly YA Lit for the last few weeks because I was travelling (hey, look at me visiting with Andi of Andi’s ABCs, Sarah of What Sarah Read, and Gail of Ticket to Anywhere in Boston!) and book slumping, then I was super busy at work. But my big project at work has finished and I’m SO ready to come back to writing and fangirling over books! What You’ll See on Mostly YA Lit in the next few weeks: -a review of Winter by Marissa Meyer (it’s over […]

Audiobook Narrators: Are You Picky As I Am?

Audiobook Narrators: Are You Picky As I Am?

Guys, am I the only one who is extremely and utterly picky about who narrates my books to me? So lately I’ve been really on the audiobook train. It used to be that I couldn’t “read” audiobooks unless they were books I’d already read (e.g. Harry Potter). But I’ve been finding it incredibly soothing to get things read to me. And audiobooks are especially helpful if I’m doing something boring like dishes or laundry and I just need to get it done, but I don’t want to waste precious reading time. That said…it takes a lot for me to borrow, […]

2015 Fierce Reads Tour: Recap!

2015 Fierce Reads Tour: Recap!

Sometimes, you go to book events, and they’re good. And then sometimes, like today, they’re great. For the final stop on the Fierce Reads Fall 2015 tour, Leigh Bardugo, Josephine Angelini, Emma Mills, and Leila Sales came up to Toronto to chat about their new books, gush about each other (seriously, they all LOVE each others’ books), and do a signing. After a great lunch with Wendy (A Cupcake and a Latte) , we headed over to Indigo Yonge-Eglinton about two hours before the event. With four authors there, we knew we had to get in early to get seats! Giselle […]