Book Spine Poetry | Loveathon 2016

February 21, 2016 / 16 Comments / Uncategorized

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Hi guys, this is always my favorite post of Loveathon – I love making book spine poetry and half the time I forget it exists! So here we go (the first one is my favorite, it’s almost a haiku and I love that it tells a story).

Mostly YA Lit’s 2016 Book Spine Poetry

Mostly YA Lit book spine poetry #1 loveathon 2016

Better off friends

We were liars

(P.S. I still love you)


Mostly YA Lit book spine poetry #2 loveathon 2016

When we collided

small bones, lost stars

This is where the world ends. 

Let the sky fall. 


Mostly YA Lit book spine poetry #3 loveathon 2016

Under a painted sky, we all looked up. 


Ignite me. 


I was here. 


Do you like making book spine poetry? Which is your fave of these three? And if you’re participating in #Loveathom 2016, leave me a link for your post!

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16 responses to “Book Spine Poetry | Loveathon 2016

  1. Weirdly, I haven’t actually thought of doing this before! I’ll see if I can try and do this at home sometime this week. It looks like a very fun thing to do! Oh, and I really love the second one. :’) And maybe the third one too. Actually, they’re all pretty good.? Really nice post, Tiff!

  2. I love ALL of these Tiff ♥ fantastic job! I’ve never tried book spine poetry before but I want to – I just tend to get bogged down by trying to use only my favorite books and when it doesn’t really work I get discouraged. I have to try again soon 🙂

  3. Cali W.

    I love book spine poetry; I like the one that starts with Under the Painted Sky; that one has some of my favorite books. 🙂

  4. Jelo

    Huh. I didn’t know this was a thing. The first one sounds really dramatic (haha) but I love the imagery system in the second one.

  5. Shireen

    I have never heard of book spine poetry but I think it is a great idea and is very fun!!! Want to try it on my own now!

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