Tag: loveathon 2016

Book Spine Poetry | Loveathon 2016

February 21, 2016 / 16 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Book Spine Poetry | Loveathon 2016

Hi guys, this is always my favorite post of Loveathon – I love making book spine poetry and half the time I forget it exists! So here we go (the first one is my favorite, it’s almost a haiku and I love that it tells a story). Mostly YA Lit’s 2016 Book Spine Poetry Better off friends We were liars (P.S. I still love you)   When we collided small bones, lost stars This is where the world ends.  Let the sky fall.    Under a painted sky, we all looked up.  Rush.  Ignite me.  Everything…everything.  I was here.  —– […]

#Loveathon 2016: Getting to Know You (and Me!)

#Loveathon 2016: Getting to Know You (and Me!)

Hi guys, for the next two days, I’m participating in #Loveathon, which is a celebration of bloggers and blogging and our community! It’s hosted by Alexa of Alexa Loves Books, Cee of The Novel Hermit, Hazel of Stay Bookish & Mel of The Daily Prophecy, all of whom are amazing bloggers. For the first task, we had to answer this questionnaire about ourselves, so here we go! Loveathon 2016: Questionnaire 1. What’s your name? Tiff Ing 2. Where in the world are you blogging from? Toronto, Ontario, Canada 3. How did you get into blogging in the first place? I took the plunge […]