Top Ten Tuesday #11: Most Memorable Secondary Characters

August 27, 2013 / 15 Comments / Top Ten Tuesday, Uncategorized

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish to highlight a top ten list related to book blogging, and to get to know fellow book bloggers.

This week we’re chatting about kick-arse secondary characters, who always make a book better in my opinion. 
1. Bridget from the Jessica Darling series: She goes from seeming like a total bimbo to one of the smartest and sweetest people Jessica knows, proving that Notso Darling is not so right about people sometimes. Also, no spoilers, but her eventual boyfriend is also one of the most awesome people in the books. 
2. Angela from The Unearthly series: I like how totally weird and out-there Angela seems, and how smart and research-y she was. I especially liked how we got her perspective in the novella Radiant – I think her feelings of jealousy about Clara were pretty natural and totally understandable. Definitely one of my faves characters in the series. 
3. Jenny from the Secret Society Girl series: This one’s a bit of a cheat, because in the second book, Jenny becomes a major part of the plot, but still. Jenny is such a fascinating character – a Christian who falls for a Muslim; a computer genius who makes a massive amount of money, then gives it all away; a girl who solves a serious conspiracy but gets subverted by an “I love you” from a crazy zealous dude. 
4. Tris from Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist: I love characters like Tris – ones who the main girl wants to hate, but can’t; one who helps the main guy on his way. Tris is a hot mess, but man, does she have a lot of wisdom, and a lot of heart. 
5. Dee from Just One Day: I think I’ve mentioned a zillion times how much I loved Dee, and how I loved how he refused to be categorized. If you like characters with depth, who are smart, sassy, Shakespeare-loving, pink Ugg-wearing guys, you need to read Just One Day. 
6. Isaac from The Fault in Our Stars: How can I mention TFIOS without mentioning Isaac, who plays video games with Guz and Hazel, and perfectly puts into words how much being sick sucks? Loved that dude. 
7. Philippa Gordon from Anne of the Island: I loved all of Anne’s friends, but the one who had real personality was Phil – smart, spunky, with awesome fashion sense, “bewitching” looks, and money to spare, it’s hard not to love a girl as fun as Phil. She’s a big part of the reason that this third book is my absolute favourite Anne book (the other parts being Gilbert and university life!). 
8. Penny from Lovestruck Summer: I think it’s becoming clear from this list that I really like it when girls APPEAR to be bimbos or dumb blondes and turn out to be much, much more. “Party” Penny, the president of her sorority, and main character Quinn’s cousin, is just this brand of awesome. 

Who are your most memorable secondary characters? Like me, are you always into characters who appear to be fluffy and turn out to be super awesome? Let me know in the comments!

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15 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday #11: Most Memorable Secondary Characters

  1. I forgot about Philippa Gordon! How could I?! She was such a fun character. I'm such a terrible Anne of Green Gables fan – my favourite books were Rainbow Valley & Rilla of Ingleside, the only two that didn't have Anne as the MC!

  2. I definitely have Isaac on my list… and I totally agree about Bridget from the JD series. She got SO much better as the series went on 🙂 I just wish Jessica would've treated her a little better.

    My TTT

    • Jessica is Notso for a reason…but I also think that JD realized later on how important Bridge was to her. It just took her awhile to get out of her own judgmental (but hilarious and lovable) brain.

    • I think you need to read more contemporary. =p

      Isaac made me cry more than Hazel when he gave his fake eulogy. "I don't want to see a world with Gus"? *sob*

    • I found the Unearthly series completely un-put-downable – you gotta get on that!

      Bridget is the best – because she really starts out as such a seeming bimbo and ends up so wise…

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