Tag: kick-ass girls

Review: One & Only by Viv Daniels

January 30, 2014 / 8 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
Review: One & Only by Viv Daniels

One & Only (Canton #1) Author: Viv Daniels (website | twitter) Source: eARC sent to me by author Format: ebook, 264 pages Publication date: November 8th 2013  Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance (some scenes definitely R rated) My rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars One night they can’t forget…Tess McMann lives her life according to the secrets she’s sworn to keep: the father who won’t acknowledge her, the sister who doesn’t know she exists, and the mother who’s content playing mistress to a prominent businessman. When she meets the distractingly cute Dylan Kingsley at a prestigious summer program and falls in love, […]

Review: United We Spy by Ally Carter

September 30, 2013 / 9 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
Review: United We Spy by Ally Carter

United We Spy (Gallagher Girls #6) Author: Ally Carter (website | twitter) Publisher: Disney-Hyperion Books Source: Pre-ordered from Chapters-Indigo Format: Hardcover, 296 pages Publication Date: September 17, 2013 My rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars Cammie Morgan has lost her father and her memory, but in the heart-pounding conclusion to the best-selling Gallagher Girls series, she finds her greatest mission yet. Cammie and her friends finally know why the terrorist organization called the Circle of Cavan has been hunting her. Now the spy girls and Zach must track down the Circle’s elite members to stop them before they implement a master plan […]

Waiting on Wednesday: Perfect Lies by Kiersten White

Waiting on Wednesday: Perfect Lies by Kiersten White

Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating. Perfect Lies (Book 2 in the Mind Games series!)Author: Kiersten White (website | twitter) Publisher: HarperTeenExpected publication date: February 18th 2014 Annie and Fia are ready to fight back. The sisters have been manipulated and controlled by the Keane Foundation for years, trapped in a never ending battle for survival. Now they have found allies who can help them truly escape. After faking her own death, Annie has joined a group that is plotting to destroy the Foundation. And Fia […]

Top Ten Tuesday #11: Most Memorable Secondary Characters

Top Ten Tuesday #11: Most Memorable Secondary Characters

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish to highlight a top ten list related to book blogging, and to get to know fellow book bloggers. This week we’re chatting about kick-arse secondary characters, who always make a book better in my opinion.  1. Bridget from the Jessica Darling series: She goes from seeming like a total bimbo to one of the smartest and sweetest people Jessica knows, proving that Notso Darling is not so right about people sometimes. Also, no spoilers, but her eventual boyfriend is also one of the most awesome people […]