Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating.
Perfect Lies (Book 2 in the Mind Games series!)
Author: Kiersten White (website | twitter)
Expected publication date: February 18th 2014
Annie and Fia are ready to fight back.
The sisters have been manipulated and controlled by the Keane Foundation for years, trapped in a never ending battle for survival. Now they have found allies who can help them truly escape. After faking her own death, Annie has joined a group that is plotting to destroy the Foundation. And Fia is working with James Keane to bring his father down from the inside.
But Annie’s visions of the future can’t show her who to trust in the present. And though James is Fia’s first love, Fia knows he’s hiding something. The sisters can rely only on each other – but that may not be enough to save them.
I was super excited about Mind Games right before it came out but then I got carried away and I never got to read it. This one sounds great but without having read book one I can't say I'm waiting for it just yet. I hope you enjoy reading it when it comes out.
Come check out my WOW post.
I read Mind Games when it first came out and liked it okay. It somehow didn't grip me like I hoped it would, but I can't quite put my finger on the reason. I'll read Perfect Lies just the same as I like the concept quite well.
Have a look at my WoW choice at BookVenturers if you like.
I'm just reading Mind Games at the moment through audio. I'm not sure what to think so far, it could be my disconnect to the audio so i might download the ebook. But I will definitely be reading the series because the plot does sound a little interesting :D.
Georgie @ What She Reads
tweet @whatgeorgiedid
I haven't heard of this series before, thanks for bringing them to my attention.
I am going to be reading Mind Games before this is released.
Chelsea @ I Couldn't Put It Down
tweet: @cantputitdown
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/icouldntputitdown
Mind Games has been on my TBR for ages – I just haven't gotten to it yet! One day…
~Mandi Kaye | My WoW
I haven't even heard of Mind Games, let alone read it, thanks for the tip!
Here's our WoW!
Interesting choice. Mind Games had a great cover. So does it cover. Come check out my WOW as well.
Books of Love
Oh! I need to read Mind Games pronto! My TBR list is way too long :
here's my wow:
I just read Mind Games and loved it so I am also waiting on this one! Great pick!
Rebecca @ The Library Canary
I still need the read Mind Games. I loved Paranormalcy.
Can't wait for this book. loved Mind Games.
Mind Games has been on my TBR forever. One day I'll actually get around to reading it and then I'm sure I'll be waiting on this book just as much!
Check out my WoW.
Oh My… I see this one again! I love Mind Games! I need this book rigth now!
Check out My WoW
Xoxo. Daisel @ Owl Always Be Reading
I love the cover! I've had my eye on this series. Another book to add to my TBR list!
If you have time, here's my WOW: http://eatsleepbreathebooks.blogspot.com/2013/09/waiting-on-wednesday-searching-for.html
~Angela @ eatsleepbreathebooks
I haven't read this series yet. But I loved Kiersten's other writing, Paranormalcy series. Already put this series to my TBR list.