Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’ve Read The Most Books From

August 11, 2015 / 16 Comments / Book List, Top Ten Tuesday


This week’s TTT is all about the authors you’ve read the most books from. In the interest of not making my list too long, I’m only doing unrequired reading (otherwise, my whole list would be Virginia Woolf, Shakespeare, Alice Munro, George Orwell, Charles Dickens, etc – and even though I love those guys, this is a primarily a YA blog!).

ttt1diana tttkierankate tttmadeleine ttt5allycarter tttniki
 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

1. Diana Peterfreund – 10 books + 8-10 novellas/short stories; Viv Daniels – 1 book + 2 novellas: Unsurprising. She is my fave. If you haven’t read her work, you ABSOLUTELY should.

2.  Kieran Scott – 10; Kate Brian – 3: I put Diana first because some of YA Jedi Master Kieran’s earlier work is a bit shorter than Diana’s full-length novels, but they’re probably tied.

3. Madeleine L’Engle – 12 books: all-time fave. Shorter juveniles, but wow, does L’Engle’s work pack in the great.

4. Ally Carter – 10 books + a novella: I sometimes forget the breadth of Ally’s oeuvre. She is a powerhouse.

5. Niki/Nicole Burnham – 9 books + a novella: if you like royals and romance, Niki/Nicole is so fun for YA and adult romance!

ttt10maureen tttlmmontgomery ttt4cynthia ttt7jkrowling ttt8megan
 6.  7.  8.  9.  10.

6. Maureen Johnson – 8 books + a short story: Maureen was my gateway into YA and I still love her contemporaries.

7. L.M. Montgomery – 8 books: I haven’t read all the Annes (not Rainbow Valley) but I have read Emily of New Moon! I should really try reading The Story Girl

8. Cynthia Voigt – 8 books: Again, I haven’t read them all, but she is one of those people who really wrote the best middle-grade stuff.

9. J.K. Rowling – 7 books: I actually haven’t read any of her little books, but I knew she was going to be on the list for the sheer word count alone.

10. Megan McCafferty – 7 books: JESSICA DARLING. The epicness of seven JD books keeps Megan on this list & I’m so glad!

Which authors have you read the most books from? Were you surprised by the result? My biggest shocker was that Gayle Forman didn’t sneak on here – but I need to read her adult work first! Anyway, let me know in the comments whether any of yours matched mine!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish to highlight a top ten list related to book blogging, and to get to know fellow book bloggers.

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16 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’ve Read The Most Books From

  1. Rainbow Valley is the only book in the Anne of Green Gables series I haven’t read either. For some reason I was having trouble finding it in stores, when I was purchasing the rest of the books.
    I love the purple colour scheme you are using here on your blog. Its really nice. 🙂

  2. There are so many authors on your list that I haven’t read but would love to! I love seeing different types of choices for ttt list so that’s a good thing to me. Great list!n

  3. Ahhh, Cynthia Voigt!! I LOVE her books…well, book. I only ever read one. XD And it was completely in the middle of the Dicey Tillerman series so grrrr. Big fail. I’m looking to collect them all one day and read them linearly hehe. I LOVE ALLY CARTER! I’ve read 6 of her books, and am literally about to read another one! Gawsh, she does write incredible books and so many of them. :O I am in awe! Here’s my TTT!

  4. I remember reading A Wrinkle in Time a long, long time ago in elementary school, and not understanding what was going on AT ALL. This kind of makes me want to go back and read it again, seeing as it’s incredibly short. I haven’t read from many of the authors you have on your list though!

  5. Honored to be included! Some of my favorite authors are on your list.

    BTW, I saw that there’s a sale on one of Diana Peterfreund’s books today. For anyone who hasn’t read FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS, the kindle version is only $1.99 right now. The reviews on it are fantastic.

    • It is SO GOOD. In terms of YA, it’s her most popular book, I highly recommend it!

      Thanks for commenting, Nicole – I feel like I will never stop reading your books and delving into royalty with you. =)

  6. I’ve read a few of the authors on your list, but the two I’ve read most are LM Montgomery and JK Rowling. I have to read more of the authors you listed, I’m feeling like I’m missing out! =)

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