Tag: favorite authors

The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord | Blog Tour + Review

May 17, 2017 / 0 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blog Tour, Review
The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord | Blog Tour + Review

Hi guys, I’m delighted to be part of the Canadian blog tour for THE NAMES THEY GAVE US by Emery Lord. As some of you know, Emery is one of my all-time favorite, auto-buy authors. I love her so much that I hosted a week-long celebration of her work a few years ago! For this blog tour, I got to ask Emery one question, and I’ve also got a review of this wonderful book. Check it out. Review: The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord THE NAMES THEY GAVE US was a unique and personal read for me, and […]

Waiting on Wednesday | The Names They Gave Us | Emery Lord

September 28, 2016 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Book Memes, Waiting on Wednesday
Waiting on Wednesday | The Names They Gave Us | Emery Lord

I mean. It’s Emery Lord. Emery Lord, who is one of my all-time fave authors. So much so that I did a week of posts about her work. Emery Lord, who writes about complex females and femship and  feminism and grief and mental health in the best, most illuminating ways. Emery Lord, writing about a religious girl who goes to Bible camp (my life as a tween) questioning her faith (also me). Auto-buy, obviously. Also, will you look at that watercolour cover? Is THE NAMES THEY GAVE US on your TBR? What are you waiting for this week? Let me know […]

Leave Me by Gayle Forman | ARC Review

September 1, 2016 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
Leave Me by Gayle Forman | ARC Review

Review: Leave Me by Gayle Forman Leave Me by Gayle Forman. Whoa. So I feel like I should preface this review by saying that Gayle Forman is my favorite author. Just One Day is my all-time favorite YA book, and it changed my life. To say I had high expectations for Leave Me, her first adult book, is an understatement. That said, going in, I already had some reservations about the main character, Maribeth, who decides to leave her family after a heart attack. I just couldn’t imagine myself being able to relate to that or feeling that desperate in […]

Recently in Romance: Sarina Bowen Edition, Part 1!

Recently in Romance: Sarina Bowen Edition, Part 1!

Since becoming a romance reader two years ago, I’ve struggled to figure out where romance reviews belong on my site. I don’t usually write full reviews of romance books, and I’m not sure if all of you like the X-rated books! Recently in Romance is my mini-review feature where I bundle my recent reads and buys for those of you who are fans. —- Guys, what do you do when you’re book slumping? In my case, when I’m burnt out on reading, I often turn to romance. And for the next two days, I’ll be giving you some serious recommendations […]

The Unexpected Everything | 5 Star Review | Blog Tour + Giveaway | #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWe..

The Unexpected Everything | 5 Star Review | Blog Tour + Giveaway | #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWeek

Hello all! Today I’m reviewing The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson for both the Canadian blog tour, and as the first post for my Unexpectedly Epic Morgan Matson Week! If you’re a fan of YA contemporary books, you really can’t go wrong with Morgan’s work. Scroll down to check out my review of this, my favourite book of the year so far, and then check out the amazing Three Scoops of Summer giveaway for Canadians – you can win a copy of The Unexpected Everything, Siobhan Vivian’s The Last Boy and Girl in the World, and Meg Leder’s The Museum of Heartbreak. […]

When We Collided by Emery Lord | Book Review

March 30, 2016 / 9 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Favorites, Review
When We Collided by Emery Lord | Book Review

Review: When We Collided by Emery Lord When We Collided is Emery Lord’s best book. I just have to lay this out there. It’s her tightest, most impassioned, most honest and raw piece of fiction, a book about a girl, Vivi, a seventeen year old who wants to live in the small moments in life and soak in all the beauty and fire of first love, but is hampered by her own mental health issues. Vivi and her mother move to a small California town for a summer and there, Vivi meets Jonah, a boy who is responsible for more […]

Kids of Appetite by David Arnold | Waiting on Wednesday

Kids of Appetite by David Arnold | Waiting on Wednesday

I mean, Kids of Appetite by David Arnold is kind of a no-brainer given that Mosquitoland was my only 5-star review of last year, right? Arnold is a master storyteller, a weird and wonderful wordsmith, and someone who takes the craft of writing to a higher level. Go read my review if you don’t believe me. Aside from that, I love, love, LOVE the concept of two kids in separate interrogation rooms and finding out about their friendship through testimony. Gah. And the fact that they bond while listening to the Lakme Flower Duet…that’s just candy to a classical-singing girl like […]

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’ve Read The Most Books From

August 11, 2015 / 16 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Book List, Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’ve Read The Most Books From

This week’s TTT is all about the authors you’ve read the most books from. In the interest of not making my list too long, I’m only doing unrequired reading (otherwise, my whole list would be Virginia Woolf, Shakespeare, Alice Munro, George Orwell, Charles Dickens, etc – and even though I love those guys, this is a primarily a YA blog!).  1.  2.  3.  4.  5. 1. Diana Peterfreund – 10 books + 8-10 novellas/short stories; Viv Daniels – 1 book + 2 novellas: Unsurprising. She is my fave. If you haven’t read her work, you ABSOLUTELY should. 2.  Kieran Scott – 10; […]