“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating.
All Fall Down (Embassy Row #1)
Ally Carter
A new series of global proportions — from master of intrigue, NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Ally Carter.
This exciting new series from NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Ally Carter focuses on Grace, who can best be described as a daredevil, an Army brat, and a rebel. She is also the only granddaughter of perhaps the most powerful ambassador in the world, and Grace has spent every summer of her childhood running across the roofs of Embassy Row.
Now, at age sixteen, she’s come back to stay — in order to solve the mystery of her mother’s death. In the process, she uncovers an international conspiracy of unsettling proportions, and must choose her friends and watch her foes carefully if she and the world are to be saved.
That is all. Carry on.
In all seriousness, Ally is the master of YA thrillers – no one plots a book like she does. She’s definitely on my auto-buy, immediate-read list, and this book looks to have the same jet-setting adventure and girl power that I loved so much in the
Gallagher Girls series (which really got better as it continued) and the
Heist Society series. Ally knows how and when to put the feels pedal on, then pull the brakes and U-turn into action. I can’t wait for this series, especially because
I helped name a character!
Are you also a huge Ally Carter fan like me? Are you desperately waiting for ALL FALL DOWN? Are you into YA thrillers? What’s on your “waiting impatiently” list this week? Let me know in the comments!
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This has been on my Goodreads since Jan 2014 and surprisingly I forgot about it!! I read and enjoyed the first two books of the Gallagher Girls series but haven't finished off the rest yet.
My WoW
I like YA thrillers, but I've just started reading some of them and hadn't heard of Ally Carter yet. Thanks for sharing this one.
My WoW
I'm really excited about this book too. It sounds like it's going to be intense and action-packed. I also need to try something by the author.
Lovely pick!
Nick – My WoW
YES!!! I'm so excited for a new series by Ally Carter!! I can't wait to see what she's going to think of next. Awesome pick!
My WoW.
Definitely want to check this one out! 🙂