Tag: 2015 releases

Mini-Reviews: The Hating Game, Scrappy Little Nobody & Aimee and the Heartthrob

December 16, 2016 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
Mini-Reviews: The Hating Game, Scrappy Little Nobody & Aimee and the Heartthrob

The Hating Game is on my favorites for this year. I read it in one day, one sitting, and I was utterly obsessed 20 percent in. Lucy and Josh work in an office together, and thanks to a merger, they have to sit across from each other and compete for the same job. As a result, the competition and hatred is at an all-time high. They throw witty,  dark insults at each other while both being great at their jobs. Things change when Lucy discovers that maybe the hate is not so hatey after all. Lucy and Josh’s banter is […]

Recently in Romance: Sarina Bowen edition, Part 2!

Recently in Romance: Sarina Bowen edition, Part 2!

Hi guys, I’m back today with Part 2 of my Sarina Bowen love fest! If you missed Part 1, Sarina is a new adult romance author whose books I’ve absolutely fallen in love with. Check out yesterday’s post for reviews of hockey romance series The Ivy Years and her upcoming book Rookie Move! Today I’ll be reviewing the Him series, her male/male hockey romance collaboration with Elle Kennedy, as well as her newest books, and my personal favorites, Bittersweet and Steadfast, from her True North series set in Vermont. The True North series by Sarina Bowen LOVE LOVE LOVE. Sarina […]

Recently in Romance: Sarina Bowen Edition, Part 1!

Recently in Romance: Sarina Bowen Edition, Part 1!

Since becoming a romance reader two years ago, I’ve struggled to figure out where romance reviews belong on my site. I don’t usually write full reviews of romance books, and I’m not sure if all of you like the X-rated books! Recently in Romance is my mini-review feature where I bundle my recent reads and buys for those of you who are fans. —- Guys, what do you do when you’re book slumping? In my case, when I’m burnt out on reading, I often turn to romance. And for the next two days, I’ll be giving you some serious recommendations […]

Under A Painted Sky by Stacey Lee | Review

March 7, 2016 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
Under A Painted Sky by Stacey Lee | Review

Review: Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee was on so many bloggers’ favorites lists for 2015, and was on my own highly anticipated reads…and then I didn’t read it for ages. Thank goodness for my book club having it as the pick for Jan/Feb, because I really, really needed to read this one, and I think you will, too. Under A Painted Sky is the story of Samantha Young, a Chinese girl living in Missouri on a border town to the Oregon Trail in 1849. She’s been pretty sheltered for most of […]

2015 End of Year Bookish Survey!

2015 End of Year Bookish Survey!

Hi all, happy 2016! I’m a little late with the 2015 End of Year Bookish Survey because I’ve been at Disney World with my family. I’m actually still there, but every year I attempt to get Jamie @ The Perpetual Page-Turner‘s End of Year Bookish Survey done and every year I fail. Not this year! I’m doing it from FLORIDA! Read on for my stats and favourites – and let me know if yours correlate. 2015 Reading Stats Number Of Books You Read: 83 plus some novellas and short stories Number of Re-Reads: 10. I’m not very good at tracking re-reads, but […]

Giveaway Contest: Win a December 2015 New Release!

Giveaway Contest: Win a December 2015 New Release!

Hey guys, it’s been awhile since I’ve done this, but since it’s the holiday, I wanted to share the book love by having a giveaway/contest to win a December 2015 new release – and yes, it’s open internationally! You know the drill: I’m giving away one young adult, middle grade, or new adult book released this month, under $20 CAD (I also included on adult romance title that I’m going to read, so you’re allowed to ask for that if you want it). In the interest of not making myself crazy, I’m only posting covers for the ones I’m super interested […]

Top Ten Tuesday: My Best Books of 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: My Best Books of 2015

I’m so glad to be sharing my Best Books of 2015! I’ll be sharing a bit more about them in my 2015 End of Year Bookish Survey, but for now…here’s my list, along with a quote from my review! Best Books of 2015: Mosquitoland by David Arnold: “I read Mosquitoland in two days – I found Mim’s voice so distinct and compelling, and my connection with her was so strong that I was on the edge of tears for two-thirds of the book(and laughing in the other third).” The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan: “It’s about the […]

Recently in Romance #1: Reviews of Tessa Dare, Sarina Bowen & More!

Recently in Romance #1: Reviews of Tessa Dare, Sarina Bowen & More!

Since becoming a romance reader a year and a half ago, I’ve struggled to figure out where romance reviews belong on my site. I don’t usually write full reviews of romance books, and I’m not sure if all of you like the X-rated books! Recently in Romance is my new mini-review feature where I bundle my recent reads and buys for those of you who are fans.  Recently Read:   Wow. I think this might be one of my new favourite romances. When Jen from Pop! Goes the Reader found out that I’d never read any Tessa Dare, she immediately […]

Review | Just Visiting by Dahlia Adler

December 7, 2015 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Diversity, Review
Review | Just Visiting by Dahlia Adler

Review: I’ve been following Dahlia on Twitter for about two years now, and she is fiercely passionate about young adult literature, diversity, feminism, and many of the things I care about, so I adore her feed. Just Visiting, though, is the first of her books that I’ve gotten to – but I’m so grateful that this was my first one, because the themes of Just Visiting are ones I care deeply about: teen girl friendship, trying to figure out your life’s work, trying to break out of bad circumstances, standing up for yourself, and yeah, okay, REALLY GOOD romance. There […]

[No Spoilers] Review | Winter by Marissa Meyer

November 22, 2015 / 14 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Wrap-Up
[No Spoilers] Review | Winter by Marissa Meyer

Review: Spoilers for Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress in this review, but NO SPOILERS for Winter. I can’t tell you really ANYTHING that happens in this Winter because it’s all so damn glorious and if you haven’t read the other books, it just won’t make sense anyway. It’s like going into Return of the Jedi never having seen Luke Skywalker struggle with The Force. This book does not even pretend that you haven’t read the rest of The Lunar Chronicles – in fact, it demands that you read the others. And let’s face it, you wouldn’t be picking up the 800+ page […]