Tag: mostly ya lit

Top 5 Books of 2018

January 3, 2019 / 10 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Book List, Personal
Top 5 Books of 2018

Hello all! Welcome to 2019 on Mostly YA Lit. Happy New Year and thanks for sticking with me through all the hiatuses. It’s been a long time, I know. Mommying is friggin hard and busy, and I thought I would have more time for blogging, but alas. But I’m back for a bit and trying to get my blogging legs in order. There may be some changes here – fewer reviews, more quick thoughts – as I try to make this blog work for me. And in the spirit of that, I decided to do a top 5 books of the […]

Recap: Morgan Matson in Toronto!

June 27, 2018 / 3 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Book Events
Recap: Morgan Matson in Toronto!

As some of you know, I had the opportunity to interview one of my all-time favorite authors, Morgan Matson in Toronto a few weeks ago as part of her tour for her fifth book, Save the Date. Was it one of my favorite book events ever? Yes. Was it a highlight of my blogging career? YES. Would it have been amazing even if I hadn’t been moderating? I think so? Here’s what went down at the event for those of you who couldn’t attend or just want to hear what it was like to be an event host! Since this is […]

I’m interviewing Morgan Matson LIVE in Toronto on Friday, June 15!

June 12, 2018 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Book Events
I’m interviewing Morgan Matson LIVE in Toronto on Friday, June 15!

Hey friends, quick post in case you missed it on Twitter and Instagram! I’m delighted to let you know that I’ll be interviewing one of my all-time favourite authors, Morgan Matson, onstage at Indigo Yorkdale this Friday, June 15 at 7pm! We’ll be chatting about her new book, Save the Date, and I’ve got some fun questions to ask her about themes in her books, donuts, and more. This is definitely one of my blogger dreams come true, and I’m so thankful to Chapters Indigo, Morgan & the team at Simon & Schuster Canada for giving me the opportunity to […]

GIVEAWAY: Mostly YA Lit’s Best Books of 2016 | Top Ten Tuesday

GIVEAWAY: Mostly YA Lit’s Best Books of 2016 | Top Ten Tuesday

Hello all, merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy holidays! Today I get to unveil one of my favorite posts of the year: my totally definitive Best Books of 2016! Read on to find out what I absolutely loved this year, and you could win one of my favorites! Mostly YA Lit’s Best Books of 2016 The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner. I don’t often have a #1 book of the year, but this year The Serpent King is it. This YA about three best friends living in a super religious town will break your heart so hard. Incredibly, perfectly voiced. Read it now. The Hating […]

I DON’T Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie | Bookish Confessions #1

I DON’T Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie | Bookish Confessions #1

Bookish Confessions is a new feature on Mostly YA Lit. Inspired by The Broke and the Bookish’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt on blogging confessions, I realized I had so many bookish or blogger confessions that I needed more time to explore them all. Once every two weeks, I’ll share one shameful truth about me as a reader, blogger and booklover. Ready? Let’s go! Yup, it’s true. I don’t like big books, and I cannot lie. I know I’m supposed to be like, “Yay, big tomes! Yay, more words! Yay, more of living in this book’s world!” I am, after all, […]

Ten Facts About Me | Top Ten Tuesday

Ten Facts About Me | Top Ten Tuesday

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a fun and personal one: top ten facts about me! I have an about page, but sometimes I forget to talk about myself enough in my blogs, so I’m excited for you to get to know me better (and vice versa!). In writing this post, I thought I’d try to focus on things that I don’t talk about a lot on this blog – my interests, obsessions, and just…life outside my blog. Here we go: 1. I’m a singer. This is probably the biggest part of my life I don’t talk about! I’m a […]