Tag: anne of avonlea

Maud: A Novel Inspired by the Life of L.M. Montgomery by Melanie J. Fishbane | Review

April 25, 2017 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
Maud: A Novel Inspired by the Life of L.M. Montgomery by Melanie J. Fishbane | Review

Review: Maud by Melanie J. Fishbane I’ve already told you all about my wild excitement at Maud, as well as my obsession with all things Anne of Green Gables. So let’s dive right into Maud. =p My first thoughts when reading MAUD: This reads like Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books! There’s something very simple, direct, and 19th century about the prose in Maud, and it instantly brought me back to all my moments learning about pioneer life as a child. Here’s the thing, though: this is not an idyllic time. Unlike L.M. Montgomery’s whimsical Anne of Green Gables, teen Lucy Maud […]

GIVEAWAY | Why Anne of Green Gables Is My Favourite YA Character | Book Madness 2017

GIVEAWAY | Why Anne of Green Gables Is My Favourite YA Character | Book Madness 2017

Hi guys, I’m so excited to be part of Maggie Ann Martin’s Book Madness 2017! For those of you who don’t know, Book Madness is like March Madness – but with our favorite book characters instead of, you know, sports. Here’s how Maggie describes it: Book Madness 2017 is a chance for participating bloggers to gush about their favorite characters. Every few days there will be a new round of votes throughout the month of March to narrow all 64 of those characters down to one ultimate champion. Just like last year there will be prizes for viewers/voters and the […]

Maud by Melanie J. Fishbane | Waiting on Wednesday

Maud by Melanie J. Fishbane | Waiting on Wednesday

Guys. Gather round. Let me tell you a story. So it’s no secret that Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite heroines of all time. I’ve been fascinated with her and with author L.M. Montgomery for a very long time. So when I first heard about MAUD, a YA novel based on Montgomery’s teen life a few years ago? I freaked out. Not only did I hear about it, but I heard about it from a friend. My friend Melanie Fishbane, who I met through book blogging. And the reason she was telling me about it? Because she wrote […]