Category: Personal

On Dawson’s Creek and Love Triangles [Capeside Revisited]

October 22, 2015 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Discussion, Feature, Personal, TV
On Dawson’s Creek and Love Triangles [Capeside Revisited]

Hold onto your horses, guys. I’m about to defend young adult love triangles using Dawson’s Creek. *waits for falling anvils* When Rachel from Hello, Chelly asked me to be part of Capeside Revisited, her Dawson’s Creek appreciation week, I immediately started writing a post – without a lot of thought, just putting down ideas. And what really came out of it – aside from my encyclopedic knowledge of this show and how seminal it was to my understanding of teenagerhood – was the realization that this is one of the first stories I’d ever seen where a love triangle was […]

2015 Fierce Reads Tour: Recap!

2015 Fierce Reads Tour: Recap!

Sometimes, you go to book events, and they’re good. And then sometimes, like today, they’re great. For the final stop on the Fierce Reads Fall 2015 tour, Leigh Bardugo, Josephine Angelini, Emma Mills, and Leila Sales came up to Toronto to chat about their new books, gush about each other (seriously, they all LOVE each others’ books), and do a signing. After a great lunch with Wendy (A Cupcake and a Latte) , we headed over to Indigo Yonge-Eglinton about two hours before the event. With four authors there, we knew we had to get in early to get seats! Giselle […]

#TheStartofEmandYou Wrap-Up!

#TheStartofEmandYou Wrap-Up!

Guys, this week has been one of the most special in my blogging career. When I first came up with the idea of an Emery Lord appreciation week, I figured I’d just write my reviews and send out a few tweets. Never would I have guessed that I would get to interview Emery or commission a quiz from her! Thanks to all of you, and especially Bloomsbury, Penguin Canada, and Emery, this has turned into such a fun, emotional, literary week, so thank you so much for that. I’ve been reading all of the comments, and it has been so gratifying […]

GIVEAWAY: Happy Blogoversary, Mostly YA Lit!

July 20, 2015 / 90 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life, Personal
GIVEAWAY: Happy Blogoversary, Mostly YA Lit!

Guys, it’s my three year blogoversary! Yes, it’s true, Mostly YA Lit is three years old, and she’s celebrating in style this year with a brand spankin’ new design, courtesy of Hazel @ Stay Bookish and a move to WordPress self-hosting courtesy of Ashley @ Nose Graze (Creative Whim). Why did I choose to do this? Because it was time. In the past year, I’ve lost tons of blog posts while working on them because of Blogger, and I needed something far more stable to work on. Also, I’ve been spending more time than I need to formatting my posts, […]

GIVEAWAY + #BEA15 Recap: Day 3 & the New York weekend!

GIVEAWAY + #BEA15 Recap: Day 3 & the New York weekend!

Hi guys, this is the last of my BEA15 recaps – phew, I’m exhausted just reliving this. Let’s get to it! FRIDAY We got to BEA early (but not too early) so that Sarah (You Should Read This) could get in line for the Six of Crows signing with Leigh Bardugo. I had extra time, so I went to drop off our suitcase (VERY IMPORTANT TIP), and then ran into Rainbow Rowell, said hi, and hugged her! I knew I wasn’t going to get into her line later on, but honestly, all I really wanted was to do that because […]

That One Book…

February 6, 2015 / 10 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Discussion, Personal
That One Book…

Everyone has that one book. You know, that book that you absolutely loved but no one else seems to know anything about. The book that almost seems like your best-kept secret, even though you’ve told a ton of people to read it. And maybe it was a series that didn’t get the best pick-up so it might have been shelved. Or maybe the people around you don’t read in the same genre. Or maybe they do and they just didn’t like it as much as you did. And you don’t know why people don’t love it as much as you […]

Blog Break: On Vacation!

January 1, 2015 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Personal, Uncategorized
Blog Break: On Vacation!

Hi all, just a quick note to let you know that I’ve been on Christmas holidays and am now heading off to Cuba for a few days of sun and reading! Hope you all have an amazing week. I will have a review or two up next week while I’m gone, but I won’t be responding to a lot of comments or tweets. But rest assured, lots of books will be read and reviews will be ready to be posted when I come back. Thanks for sticking with me, and happy new year! Love, Tiff

Blog Break: Moving!

July 28, 2014 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Personal, Uncategorized
Blog Break: Moving!

Hi all, very quick update to let you know that I’m not going to be posting or responding much in the next two weeks because I’m moving! Evan and I recently bought our first house (it’s a bit of a fixer-upper) and it’s been crazy busy this last month prepping for the move and getting the house renovated and ready to move into. You will probably see one or two reviews in the next weeks, but I won’t be doing my usual amount of tweeting or replies. I’m definitely looking forward to getting into my house and getting my 10,000 […]

Personal Friday: I think I might want to be a florist…or a party planner.

November 9, 2012 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Personal
Personal Friday: I think I might want to be a florist…or a party planner.

Check out the decor and the food for my BFF’s baby shower last weekend (And yes, Ontario book bloggers, this was the day after the Meet-Up – it was a crazy weekend)! Flowers to greet the guests – this was my favorite arrangement that I did. Each guest also brought a baby picture of themselves. I photocopied each picture, and the copy was pasted into the guestbook along with a message from the guest in question. The photo there is of me, by the way. =)   Flowers for the coffee table, along with gifts! The flowers looked better in […]

Recap: The best book blogging event ever, or the Ontario Book Bloggers Meet-Up 2012!

Recap: The best book blogging event ever, or the Ontario Book Bloggers Meet-Up 2012!

What can I say that that title doesn’t say for itself? This was hands-down the most fun event ever for a newbie book blogger. I’ve never experienced that much excitement and squealing about books. For me, the best part of the Ontario Blog Squad’s 2nd Annual Blogger Meet-Up was getting to put faces to the names of bloggers that I’ve been following for years. Yes, meeting the authors and the publishers was great, but getting to actually talk, IN PERSON with people who love YA and have read the same YAs as me? I CAN’T. EVEN. The raffle table with […]