Author: Caela Carter
Find the author: Website, Blog, Facebook, Goodreads
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers
Publication date: June 7th 2016
Work harder than anyone. Be the most talented. Sacrifice everything. And if you’re lucky, maybe you will go to the Olympics. Grace lives and breathes gymnastics—but no matter how hard she pushes herself, she can never be perfect enough. Leigh, Grace’s best friend, has it all: a gymnastics career, a normal high-school life... and a secret that could ruin everything. Camille wants to please her mom, wants to please her boyfriend, and most of all, wants to walk away. Wilhelmina was denied her Olympic dream four years ago, and she won’t let anything stop her again. No matter what. Monica is terrified. Nobody believes in her—and why should they? By the end of the two days of the U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Trials, some of these girls will be stars. Some will be going home with nothing. And all will have their lives changed forever.
From the Hardcover edition.
I feel like I’ve been waiting for Tumbling by Caela Carter forever; I first heard about it last year and it immediately made my must-have list because GYMNASTICS YA.
Have I mentioned I’m a huge fan of Make It Or Break It, the short-lived ABC Family series, and sports YA in general? The synopsis makes me think this is definitely going to be a lot like that show when the stakes get high. And as we know…when the stakes get high, that’s when the competition really gets fierce.
Is Tumbling on your TBR? Are you a fan of sports in your books? What are you waiting for this week? Let me know and I’ll stop by!
“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating.
I’ve never read anything with gymnastics in it before but this sounds great! Amazing pick and I’ve added it to my Goodreads 😀
(By the way, I love your blog so I followed on Bloglovin! and also followed on insta – @flippingthroughpages)
Here’s our WoW!
Thank you so much, Taneika! I love gymnastics and skating YA, it’s a weird sports thing where I can’t do it but I want to read about it?
Great pick! I loved the Make it or Break it tv show and the summary does sound a lot like that. I can’t wait for this one myself. 🙂
OMG, I miss MIOBI SO FREAKING MUCH. I keep looking at the synopsis for this book trying to figure out which one is Payson, which one Kaylie, etc =P
Yes!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I miss that show so much. I was so mad when it ended. :/
I have a deep love of gymnastics and in fact, wish I’d have taken it up when I was younger. So naturally, you already have my attention with this one! I love the sound of it and there definitely aren’t a ton of gymnastic-centered books out there – for any age range. Awesome pick my friend^^ x
Thanks, lady. Have you read Letters to Nowhere by Julie Cross? Also, are you an MIOBI fan?
yess!! I’m super excited for this one as well! I love anything having to do with gymnastics and ballet. this one has been on my radar for awhile so great choice!!
Ahh! Book twinsies! I’m also obsessed with ballet and gymnastics books – have you read Bunheads by Sophie Flack?
Not yet but I own it! I’ll get to it soon (hopefully!)
Ah! Jealous! I so want this one!
This is totally new to me but I will definitely add to my TBR! Great pick!!
my WoW
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Not sure if this is my type of book, but sounds like a good one to get for my students in my high school library. Thanks for sharing it! You can check out my post in the link below!
Going to check now – thanks for stopping by. And it’s definitely one of those books that I can see students really enjoying – I loved this sort of book when I was a teen!
I just saw this last week on someone else’s WoW… I can’t wait for it either! Gymnastics books are a guilty pleasure of mine.
ME TOO. Have you read Letters to Nowhere by Julie Cross?
I already have this one on my TBR pile. I can’t wait!