Tag: viking books for young readers

5-Star Review: I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman

March 28, 2018 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
5-Star Review: I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman

Review: I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman Remarkable and absolutely stunning, I Have Lost My Way is an incredible book about believing in human connection and good in the world. It’s my favourite book Gayle Forman has written since Just One Day. And that’s saying something, since Just One Day is my favourite YA book ever, and Gayle my favorite YA author. There’s no one else out there who understands and believes so deeply in the power and magic of relationships like Gayle. I Have Lost My Way is a book that will resonate and carry you through […]

The Season by Jonah Lisa Dyer & Stephen Dyer | Giveaway + Author Guest Post

The Season by Jonah Lisa Dyer & Stephen Dyer | Giveaway + Author Guest Post

Hello all! Today I am honoured and delighted to be promoting THE SEASON by Jonah Lisa Dyer and Stephen Dyer. Guys, when I first heard about this book several months ago, I was basically salivating. I am all about the summer fluff books, and I love sporty girl books so the two combined into a Pride & Prejudice retelling? SIGN ME UP. THE SEASON is coming out on July 12th, and to whet your appetite, the Dyers have stopped by with a special (and HILARIOUS) post from their protagonist, Megan, with some pro-tips on how to be a Texas deb […]

Waiting on Wednesday: Tumbling by Caela Carter

Waiting on Wednesday: Tumbling by Caela Carter

I feel like I’ve been waiting for Tumbling by Caela Carter forever; I first heard about it last year and it immediately made my must-have list because GYMNASTICS YA. Have I mentioned I’m a huge fan of Make It Or Break It, the short-lived ABC Family series, and sports YA in general? The synopsis makes me think this is definitely going to be a lot like that show when the stakes get high. And as we know…when the stakes get high, that’s when the competition really gets fierce. Is Tumbling on your TBR? Are you a fan of sports in your books? […]

Kids of Appetite by David Arnold | Waiting on Wednesday

Kids of Appetite by David Arnold | Waiting on Wednesday

I mean, Kids of Appetite by David Arnold is kind of a no-brainer given that Mosquitoland was my only 5-star review of last year, right? Arnold is a master storyteller, a weird and wonderful wordsmith, and someone who takes the craft of writing to a higher level. Go read my review if you don’t believe me. Aside from that, I love, love, LOVE the concept of two kids in separate interrogation rooms and finding out about their friendship through testimony. Gah. And the fact that they bond while listening to the Lakme Flower Duet…that’s just candy to a classical-singing girl like […]

“Handle With Care” Review: Mosquitoland by David Arnold

March 9, 2015 / 6 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
“Handle With Care” Review: Mosquitoland by David Arnold

Mosquitoland Author: David Arnold (website | twitter) Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers (Penguin Canada) Source/Format: ARC from publisher in exchange for an honest review (thank you!) Publication date: March 3, 2015  My rating: 5 out of 5 stars.  “I am a collection of oddities, a circus of neurons and electrons: my heart is the ringmaster, my soul is the trapeze artist, and the world is my audience. It sounds strange because it is, and it is, because I am strange.”  After the sudden collapse of her family, Mim Malone is dragged from her home in northern Ohio to the “wastelands” of […]