I started this book “meme” a long time ago (when I didn’t really understand what a book meme was) to try to compensate for the times when I’m too busy to blog. What it really is is a blog feature.
I hate it when my blog has gone too long without any sort of reviews, but I’m really busy at work and with wedding planning (five months left, eek!) and my band (if you’re in Toronto, stop by The Velvet Underground at 10 on Friday and see us!) right now, so this is what you’re getting:

The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith – I’ve had to put this down quite a few times to pick up other books, and maybe that’s why I’m feeling so indifferent to it. As a rule, I very rarely have DNFs – I usually just try to pick things up later, but I feel like the writing is almost TOO twee for me. It’s like it’s so cute, and it knows it’s cute, and I’m getting annoyed *waits for anvils to fall*. I know all of the book bloggers love it, and it definitely feels like it SHOULD be a Tiff book, so…should I keep trying? Does it feel more authentic later on in the book?
I can't remember if you ever wrote a review for The Statistical Probability, so I don't know how it ended up sitting with you. I will say this. I am 30, a big old tom boy and I don't like cutesy. But I really liked this book. It was cutesy, but there were deeper, underlying emotions behind both main characters. There was hurt, and pain and fear. It has been quite some time since I read this book, and I still remember that it made me smile and I was happy when I turned the last page. So, if you haven't finished it yet, I urge you to give it another go!