…I apologize for ignoring you.
I have been very busy at my day job, making money so that I can buy books to read and review for you.
I have also been very busy learning many copy-editing skills so that I can maybe, possibly get a job in publishing where I can spend lots of time reading more books, and then posting on you.
I have been even more busy trying to figure out ways to save money for my upcoming wedding and homeownership so that I can have a house with bookshelves to fill with books that I’ve reviewed.
In short, life got in the way.
That said, I should possibly have a couple new posts up soon. I just finished Huntley Fitzpatrick‘s My Life Next Door, which was lovely. The amazing folks at the Dundurn Group sent me a review copy of Kim Thompson‘s Eldritch Manor, which I’m getting to next. And tomorrow, I’m going to meet Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian, and I hope to share all of the details about their Toronto signing of Burn for Burn!
All this to say…please don’t give up on me yet!
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