Tag: throne of glass

Top Ten Tuesday #18: Paranormal/Fantasy YA Books I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read Yet

Top Ten Tuesday #18: Paranormal/Fantasy YA Books I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read Yet

You guys, I am the worst at getting out of my favourite genre. In fact, just last week, book buddy Sarah of You Should Read This looked at my GR read shelves and text-yelled at me for having so few para/fantasy books on there. I literally do not have words for how much of a fail I am for not getting to these sooner. Please, shame me into action on the non-contemporary YA front! 1. Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas | 2. The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare | 3. Princess Academy by Shannon Hale | 4. (The rest of the) […]

What’s On My Shelf Lately? The TBR Tag!

November 28, 2014 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
What’s On My Shelf Lately? The TBR Tag!

Hey guys, I’ve been a terrible blogger the last few days, but I’m back with a fun little meme that’s been going around the bookish circles: The TBR Tag! Thanks to Jamie at The Perpetual Page-Turner for nominating me! I’m a bit late to this, but scroll down to find out way too much about me and my To-Be-Reads! How do you keep track of your TBR pile? Is your TBR mostly print or ebook?  I mostly use my Goodreads To-Read shelf, and I have shelves for books that are coming out each month. I have a Google calendar that I […]

Stacking the Shelves: Burn for Burn, Throne of Glass and more!

September 28, 2012 / 8 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Book Memes, Review, Uncategorized
Stacking the Shelves: Burn for Burn, Throne of Glass and more!

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly book meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews to share the books you’ve got piling up, whether they be virtual, paper, or audio! Read on for my first Stacking the Shelves post…  For review:  Eldritch Manor by Kim Thompson – a middle-grade book about time travel, oldsters and weird things. Can’t wait to read this – thank you, Dundurn Press! Bought:  Burn for Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian – signed! Check back soon for a giveaway and more on meeting these lovely, ADORABLE ladies! Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas – I’d read so […]