Tag: fairest

Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Going Rogue by Marissa Meyer | Review

March 22, 2018 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Going Rogue by Marissa Meyer | Review

Review: WIRES and NERVE, Vol 2: Going Rogue Warning: this review will have some spoilers for Marissa Meyer’s other Lunar Chronicles books (Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter, Fairest, Stars Above, Wires and Nerve, Vol 1), so if you haven’t read those and you want to, please skip! I was totally excited for the second volume in Marissa Meyer’s Wires and Nerve graphic novel. If you missed the first one, Wires and Nerve is part of the Lunar Chronicles series and focuses on the android Iko, who is Cinder’s best friend. In this installment, Iko is working with Liam Kinney, a Lunar […]

5 Complex Villains I’ve Encountered While Reading | Top Ten Tuesday

5 Complex Villains I’ve Encountered While Reading | Top Ten Tuesday

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday was super hard for me, because I’m not really into books with true villains. I’m all about the good guys (and good boys). If you’re a contemporary reader, you’re going to get a lot of books with real-life characters. Some of them, I admit, are total jerks. But many of them are just more complex than you realize. Like real life, I believe there’s more to people than just good or bad. So in making this list, I looked for layered, complex characters who presented me with views and ethics that really made me think. 5 […]

Wires and Nerve, Volume 1 by Marissa Meyer and Douglas Holgate | Waiting on Wednesday

Wires and Nerve, Volume 1 by Marissa Meyer and Douglas Holgate | Waiting on Wednesday

If you know me, you know I’m a huge The Lunar Chronicles fan. Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter are on my list of best YA sci-fi ever. (I also really loved Fairest and Stars Above!). Marissa Meyer is a master at blending young adult feels with spaceships, misfits, and fairy tales. I was so excited to find out that we’d be hearing more from one of my favorite characters in the Lunar Chronicles, Iko the android, via this new graphic novel, Wires and Nerve. In the novels, I loved how well Meyer managed to blend Iko’s fun personality with the unique issues that come […]

The Lunar Chronicles | Series Wrap-Up, Cress & Fairest Reviews!

The Lunar Chronicles | Series Wrap-Up, Cress & Fairest Reviews!

Hi guys! Yesterday you saw my review of Winter, the final book in Marissa Meyer’s epic The Lunar Chronicles series. Today, I’m back today with two mini-reviews of Cress or Fairest, which I never got around to reviewing, followed by my series wrap-up with some of my favourites (book, couple, characters, etc)! Check it out below: The Rapunzel-like Cress lives alone in a satellite where she uses her genius hacking skills to help Levana – but is desperate to defy her. Cress is incredibly capable and hilariously fangirlish, a dreamer who has always had a crush on Carswell Thorne, a […]

[No Spoilers] Review | Winter by Marissa Meyer

November 22, 2015 / 14 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Wrap-Up
[No Spoilers] Review | Winter by Marissa Meyer

Review: Spoilers for Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress in this review, but NO SPOILERS for Winter. I can’t tell you really ANYTHING that happens in this Winter because it’s all so damn glorious and if you haven’t read the other books, it just won’t make sense anyway. It’s like going into Return of the Jedi never having seen Luke Skywalker struggle with The Force. This book does not even pretend that you haven’t read the rest of The Lunar Chronicles – in fact, it demands that you read the others. And let’s face it, you wouldn’t be picking up the 800+ page […]