Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books That Celebrate Diversity

July 21, 2015 / 9 Comments / Diversity, Top Ten Tuesday

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 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.
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 6. 7.   8.  9.  10.
  1. When Everything Feels Like the Movies by Raziel Reid – This is at the top of my Diverse Books I Must Read Immediately list because it’s Canadian, it’s about homosexuality and bullying, and it won a ton of awards. MUST READ.
  2. 5 to 1 by Holly Bodger – Futuristic novel set in India discussing gender roles in verse. This is a fast, solid read.
  3. Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee – I’ve been waiting for my library hold of this one forever! Chinese girl meets runaway slave on the Oregon Trail in 1849. THIS HAS EVERYTHING.
  4. Across A Star-Swept Sea by Diana Peterfreund – If you haven’t read this post-apocalyptic Veronica Mars-esque set in an islander world (based on native New Zealanders), you’re missing out.
  5. Every Day by David Levithan – A little obvious, but truly a groundbreaking story of personality/soul over appearance
  6. Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli – adorable gay love story. One of my fave rom-coms this year.
  7. The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi – really fascinating graphic novel about growing up in Iran – also a movie!
  8. None of the Above by I.W. Gregorio – I learned so much about being intersex and gender from this awesome novel.
  9. More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera – dealt so realistically and painfully about being gay and from a poor family in the Bronx – I can’t even think of it without tearing up a little.
  10. Under the Lights by Dahlia Adler – I haven’t even read the first book, but apparently this is light and wonderful lesbian romance. Must get to it!

What diverse books are you recommending this week? Leave a comment and I’ll stop by!


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish to highlight a top ten list related to book blogging, and to get to know fellow book bloggers.

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9 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books That Celebrate Diversity

  1. Thanks so much for the shoutout! I’ve read and loved most of these, and own all the ones I don’t, so clearly I need to get reading! (Also I need to finish my own TTT for today before I keep commenting on these.)

    • I’m totally waiting for your list, Dahlia – you always recommend fantastic diverse books! And I will get to BtS sooner rather than later, I think. Also, Just Visiting sounds incredible!

  2. Feels like the Movies sounds great! The Complete Persepolis caught my eye too. NOTA, Painted Sky and Simon are wonderful! Love your list!

    • Persepolis is really interesting, because I think the first half is better than the second…but the second is where I think she actually realizes what she went through, but she’s a teenager, and a mess, so it’s a bit depressing.

      I have to read Painted Sky. SERIOUSLY. And Feels Like the Movies is supposed to be wonderful.

  3. I haven’t visited your blog in way too long, and the design is STUNNING. I just keep scrolling up and down, admiring it lol
    I’ve only read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda from your list (love love love), and I’m reading Under the Lights right now. I’m going to add When Everything Feels Like the Movies to my tbr right now!

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