Expected publication date:
July 28th 2015
What do you do with your last day on earth?
Just over twenty-four hours are left until an asteroid strikes North America, and for Emerson and everyone else who didn’t leave, the world will end. But Emerson’s world already ended when she ran away from home. Since then, she has lived on the streets, relying on her wits and on her friend Vince to help her find places to sleep and food to eat.
The city’s quieter now that most people are gone, and no one seems to know what to do as the end approaches. But then Emerson and Vince meet Carl, who tells them he has been granting people’s wishes — and gives them his wallet full of money.
Suddenly, this last day seems full of possibility. Emerson and Vince can grant a lot of wishes in one last day — maybe even their own.
I don’t talk about it a lot, but I have a deep fear of extermination – of knowing that I or the people around me are going to die, and we won’t have done all the things we hoped to have done or made it count in the right way. And when I say “we”, I really mean “I”.
The little known movie
Melancholia looks at a similar situation to the one in All We Have Is Now – that is, the extermination of the human race and whether anything we do matters or can be remembered.
Yes, it’s a Kirsten Dunst movie. If you have problems with depression, DO NOT WATCH IT.
When I saw Melancholia in the theatre, I was depressed for days. Let’s just say director Lars von Trier is not known for being a happy guy, and the possible hopelessness of existence weighed heavily on me.
As soon as I read the synopsis for this book, something settled deep in my chest. It was a feeling that Emerson and Vince could show me the way. That Lisa Schroeder had written something that could counter that feeling of hopelessness. That maybe, even if we have limited time, that last day can matter. That our little moments of joy do count.
I’m waiting for this book because I need it to give me a different perspective on the grand scheme of things. I want to believe that what we do matters, and I think this book can show me the way.
Are you interested in reading ALL WE HAVE IS NOW? Do you think about extermination as much as I do? Do you believe that our small moments of happiness matter? What are you waiting for this week? Let me know in the comments!
“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating.
I think that feeling is something that we struggle with as soon as we're old enough to recognize its existence. It's like when you're trying to figure out what kind of career to pursue, we all want to make a lasting impression on the world, but the reality is that we can't all do that.
What scares me is the idea of not being remembered. This is a weird reference but I believe it's from the second Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie, and has to do with Blake Lively working at an archaeological dig. Her supervisor asks her when someone's life stops being important after they die and she says something like when everyone they know has died. It's strangely profound. Just like how with the oldest person on earth, everyone who was alive when they were born is now dead.
Anyway, it's scary to confront our own mortality and I can't wait to read this book because I love thinking about these things even if I know it will depress me.
I loved that line in Sisterhood, which I believe was ripped directly from Girls in Pants. It was such a morbid, but truthful moment. I hope that's not true, though – that people's lives stop being important after everyone they know has died. Even though I don't know my great-great-great grandparents, I still know something of them. I still believe that that history follows us in little ways, whether it's in a graveyard, or it's just the feeling that I wouldn't be who or even where I am today without them fighting battles for me.
It IS true that we can't all be Kanye West or Beyonce, and that's precisely something I've been battling for so long – whether my life matters if I only affect the people around me. Because we wouldn't have stars or important people or Presidents if we didn't have people like us who listen to and get inspired by said people. I guess the question is…are you okay with being the crowd? And does that matter just as much as the people we elevate?
Such a great pick, I agree completely! I have those same fears as you do (debilitating at times) and like you, I hope that this book will help me to think about things in a different way. It certainly has the potential to, at least. Also, thanks for sharing something so personal. I often feel very alone when I am having panic attacks at night about death, and loved ones dying, and basically the fear of not existing, and even though I wish you didn't deal with the same thing, it is comforting to know that I am not alone. I hope this book lives up to your expectations and shows you those perspectives you're looking for 🙂
Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
Thanks so much for your comment, Shannon – it's good to know that I'm not alone. I get those thoughts often – and more lately than usual, so I'm grateful to hear that it's not just me (even though – yikes – I hope the panic attacks don't last for you!).
Isn't it amazing what books can do? I hope it lives up to my expectations, too. It's not a joke when we talk about YA saving lives. It does.
This book is going to mine tbr-pile 😀
I haven't read this author yet, but this one sounds really good!
Check out my WOW
This one looks really good, put I'm still on the fence about reading it. here's mine And as always, my $30 gift certificate giveaway is still on.