Waiting on Wednesday: #scandal by Sarah Ockler

October 16, 2013 / 9 Comments / Book Memes, Uncategorized, Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating.

This week’s WoW pick features a topic that I know a lot of you can’t get behind:

by Sarah Ockler (website | twitter)

Publisher: Simon Pulse
Expected publication date: June 17, 2014
Lucy’s learned some important lessons from tabloid darling Jayla Heart’s all-too-public blunders: Avoid the spotlight, don’t feed the Internet trolls, and keep your secrets secret. The policy has served Lucy well all through high school, so when her best friend Ellie gets sick before prom and begs her to step in as Cole’s date, she accepts with a smile, silencing about ten different reservations. Like the one where she’d rather stay home shredding online zombies. And the one where she hates playing dress-up. And especially the one where she’s been secretly in love with Cole since the dawn of time.

When Cole surprises her at the after party with a kiss under the stars, it’s everything Lucy has ever dreamed of… and the biggest BFF deal-breaker ever. Despite Cole’s lingering sweetness, Lucy knows they’ll have to ’fess up to Ellie. But before they get the chance, Lucy’s own Facebook profile mysteriously explodes with compromising pics of her and Cole, along with tons of other students’ party indiscretions. Tagged. Liked. And furiously viral.

By Monday morning, Lucy’s been branded a slut, a backstabber, and a narc, mired in a tabloid-worthy scandal just weeks before graduation.

Lucy’s been battling undead masses online long enough to know there’s only one way to survive a disaster of this magnitude: Stand up and fight. Game plan? Uncover and expose the Facebook hacker, win back her best friend’s trust, and graduate with a clean slate.

There’s just one snag—Cole. Turns out Lucy’s not the only one who’s been harboring unrequited love…

I know a lot of you HATE cheating and cheaters in your YA, but I’ve always thought that cheating, although sad, is a very real part of relationships when you’re a teenager. It happens. And sometimes good people make mistakes. And sometimes you do have to figure out a way to get past things, both as the cheater and as the person who has been cheated on. 
This new Sarah Ockler novel (can you believe I’ve never read one?) sounds like an amazing twist on the topic. Online culture plays such a horrible and public role in relationships these days, and sometimes it can be extremely harsh and unfair. I’m interested in seeing how this book deals with slut-shaming and cyber-bullying, and whether the resolution to Lucy’s problems will be different because of her familiarity with online culture. 
Basically, I’m really glad someone is writing about this – I’m hoping to learn something from Lucy’s journey.  
Are you interested in reading #SCANDAL? Are you okay with cheating in your novels, or is it an absolute no-no for you? Why or why not? What are you waiting for this week? Let me know in the comments!

Do you want to win any book released this month? Of course you do – check out my October new release giveaway!

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9 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday: #scandal by Sarah Ockler

  1. I haven't read anything by the author either, but this one sounds like a book that I could enjoy. With the explosion of online profiles, with Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr, I can only imagine how many relationships have suffered as a result. My relationship with my husband is mine and mine alone. It stays off of Facebook and Twitter. I'm much happier that way. I am very curious to see how the relationships in this book turn out.

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