Tag: winter marissa meyer

[No Spoilers] Review | Winter by Marissa Meyer

November 22, 2015 / 14 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Wrap-Up
[No Spoilers] Review | Winter by Marissa Meyer

Review: Spoilers for Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress in this review, but NO SPOILERS for Winter. I can’t tell you really ANYTHING that happens in this Winter because it’s all so damn glorious and if you haven’t read the other books, it just won’t make sense anyway. It’s like going into Return of the Jedi never having seen Luke Skywalker struggle with The Force. This book does not even pretend that you haven’t read the rest of The Lunar Chronicles – in fact, it demands that you read the others. And let’s face it, you wouldn’t be picking up the 800+ page […]

I’m Back + What’s Coming Up on Mostly YA Lit!

November 20, 2015 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life, Personal
I’m Back + What’s Coming Up on Mostly YA Lit!

Just a quick note to say that I took an unintentional break from Mostly YA Lit for the last few weeks because I was travelling (hey, look at me visiting with Andi of Andi’s ABCs, Sarah of What Sarah Read, and Gail of Ticket to Anywhere in Boston!) and book slumping, then I was super busy at work. But my big project at work has finished and I’m SO ready to come back to writing and fangirling over books! What You’ll See on Mostly YA Lit in the next few weeks: -a review of Winter by Marissa Meyer (it’s over […]