Tag: sports

Recently in Romance: Sarina Bowen Edition, Part 1!

Recently in Romance: Sarina Bowen Edition, Part 1!

Since becoming a romance reader two years ago, I’ve struggled to figure out where romance reviews belong on my site. I don’t usually write full reviews of romance books, and I’m not sure if all of you like the X-rated books! Recently in Romance is my mini-review feature where I bundle my recent reads and buys for those of you who are fans. —- Guys, what do you do when you’re book slumping? In my case, when I’m burnt out on reading, I often turn to romance. And for the next two days, I’ll be giving you some serious recommendations […]

9 Sporty Books for Olympics Fans | Top Ten Tuesday

9 Sporty Books for Olympics Fans | Top Ten Tuesday

Guys, I admit it. I have Olympics fever. So this week’s TTT is a bit of a cheat since sports take place in all kinds of settings…but whatever. If you’re all about the sporty books, read on! 9 Sporty Books for Olympics Fans 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)  9) Breathe, Annie, Breathe by Miranda Kenneally | Sport: Running – a ton of Kenneally’s books could go on this list, but BAB is my fave, and it’s set on trails and streets all over Tennessee. And the romance is SMOKING. Letters to Nowhere by Julie Cross | Sport: […]