Tag: razorbill

Waiting on Wednesday: The Love That Split the World by Emily Henry

Waiting on Wednesday: The Love That Split the World by Emily Henry

I absolutely adore everything about this synopsis for this book – the weird paranormal stuff, the Friday Night Lights feel, and yes, that stunning cover. It reminds me a bit of one of my favourite Roswell episodes, when the town starts disappearing and the “normal” teens have to deal with it (if you haven’t watched Roswell, you need to!).   Is The Love That Split the World on your TBR? What are you waiting for this week? Let me know and I’ll stop by! —– “Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases […]

The Start of Em and You – a celebration of Emery Lord!

July 27, 2015 / 9 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Feature
The Start of Em and You – a celebration of Emery Lord!

Hi all, I’m so excited to be hosting The Start of Em and You – Mostly YA Lit’s weeklong celebration of Emery Lord’s work! I’ll be honest, I started this week as a way to motivate myself to finally write my reviews of Emery’s work – I adore her writing, and I feel a little unworthy of even reviewing it. So, I thought, what better way than create a spotlight that celebrates Emery’s books, and her devotion to summer, friendship, and love? I can’t tell you how excited I was when Bloomsbury, Penguin Canada, and Emery herself wanted to get involved. […]

In Which I Get Personal and Philosophical: Early Review: Just Like the Movies by Kelly Fiore

July 18, 2014 / 7 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
In Which I Get Personal and Philosophical: Early Review: Just Like the Movies by Kelly Fiore

Just Like the Movies Author: Kelly Fiore  Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Children’s (Penguin Canada) Source/Format: eARC via Edelweiss from publisher (thank you!) Expected publication date: July 22, 2014  My rating: 4 out of 5 stars.  Pretty and popular track star Marijke Monti is confident about almost everything – she’s got great friends, a great family, and she’s on her way to the State Track Championship. In fact, the only thing Marijke isn’t confident about is her relationship with Tommy Lawson. Lily Spencer has spent her entire high school career preparing for the future – she’s participated in every extracurricular activity and volunteer committee she […]

Waiting on Wednesday: I Was Here by Gayle Forman

Waiting on Wednesday: I Was Here by Gayle Forman

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating. I am on a sad book jag lately, and I was hoping this one would be different, but I couldn’t NOT post this for this week’s WoW pick! I Was Here Author: Gayle Forman  Publisher: Viking Juvenile (Penguin Canada) Expected publication: January 27, 2015 Cody and Meg were inseparable.Two peas in a pod.Until . . . they weren’t anymore. When her best friend Meg drinks a bottle of industrial-strength cleaner alone in a motel room, Cody is understandably shocked and devastated. […]

Waiting on Wednesday: Summer Love by Jill Santopolo

Waiting on Wednesday: Summer Love by Jill Santopolo

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating. This week’s pick is…a different kind of book:  Summer Love Author: Jill Santopolo (website | twitter) Publisher: SpeakExpected publication date: May 1st 2014 For fans of The Bachelorette, a personalized summer romance with 13 possible endings! Summer is all about relaxing and having fun. But it’s even better when you find the right guy to share it with. In this original romance, you get to choose how to find your happy ending, which can result in a kiss from one […]

ARC Review: How to Lead a Life of Crime by Kirsten Miller

February 22, 2013 / 10 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
ARC Review: How to Lead a Life of Crime by Kirsten Miller

How to Lead a Life of Crime Author: Kirsten Miller Publisher: Razorbill (Penguin) Source: eARC from Netgalley Publication date: February 21, 2013 My rating: 4 out of 5 stars Synopsis: Flick is a boy who lives on the streets. And he’s…a force to be reckoned with. He’s a thief who tries to help people occasionally – he still takes money, but from the first moment you meet him, you see that he’s got a bit of a hero complex. He’s layered, he’s emotionally damaged, and he’s living on the streets because he’s had some MAJOR family drama. You really want […]