Tag: raina telgemeier

Middle Grade Reads #2 | Omega City: The Forbidden Fortress by Diana Peterfreund and Smile by Raina T..

Middle Grade Reads #2 | Omega City: The Forbidden Fortress by Diana Peterfreund and Smile by Raina Telgemeier

A fast-paced, cerebral book, OMEGA CITY: The Forbidden Fortress continues the journey of Gillian Seagret, her brother Eric, and their friends Savannah, Howard, and Nate. Ten months after finding Omega City, an mythical underground town that proves to be real, and escaping the clutches of the Shepherds, a group of conspiracy theorists bent on taking the technology from Omega City for nefarious purposes, Gillian and Eric are now living at home with their mother while their father tours and promotes his book based on their adventures. Gillian’s mom is planning to move them to Idaho, and Gillian’s not happy about […]

Six Favorite Graphic Novels/Comics & Six on my TBR | Top Ten Tuesday

January 31, 2017 / 14 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Book Memes, Top Ten Tuesday
Six Favorite Graphic Novels/Comics & Six on my TBR | Top Ten Tuesday

Pretty embarrassed by the lack of graphic novels/comics in the last few year, guys. But here are six favorite graphic novels, and six on my TBR. Six Favorite Graphic Novels: 1. Blankets by Craig Thompson – my all-time favorite. It just spoke to me. And it was the first present I ever gave to my husband. 2. Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vo1 1-4 by Sean McKeever and Takeshi Miyzawa – This is my favorite “real comic” series ever. Don’t be fooled by the cute title – this is a really amazing, addictive, realistic take on teen Mary Jane and what […]