Tag: mostly ya lit feature

Presenting…the Lunar New Year Book Tag!

Presenting…the Lunar New Year Book Tag!

Hello all! As some of you may know, Sat, Jan 28, 2017 is Lunar New Year. Happy Year of the Rooster! This is the biggest celebration in Chinese culture, and as a proud Chinese-Canadian, I’ll be celebrating with red pockets, a couple of feasts, and family. Millions of people around the world celebrate Lunar New Year, mostly in Asian cultures. As a teenager, however, I went to an American international school, so lots of my friends are also big fans of Lunar New Year. To celebrate the Year of the Rooster this year, I’ve teamed up with my pal Joey @ Thoughts […]

I DON’T Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie | Bookish Confessions #1

I DON’T Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie | Bookish Confessions #1

Bookish Confessions is a new feature on Mostly YA Lit. Inspired by The Broke and the Bookish’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt on blogging confessions, I realized I had so many bookish or blogger confessions that I needed more time to explore them all. Once every two weeks, I’ll share one shameful truth about me as a reader, blogger and booklover. Ready? Let’s go! Yup, it’s true. I don’t like big books, and I cannot lie. I know I’m supposed to be like, “Yay, big tomes! Yay, more words! Yay, more of living in this book’s world!” I am, after all, […]

Middle Grade Reads #1: Gertie’s Leap to Greatness and Rebel Genius

Middle Grade Reads #1: Gertie’s Leap to Greatness and Rebel Genius

Hi guys, today I have some middle grade recs for you, courtesy of my husband, Evan! Evan is a mostly comic book reader, with lots of literary fiction interspersed. That said, he’s really interested in the middle grade age group – his favorite cartoons (Adventure Time and Steven Universe) explore that age. So when we saw that Gertie’s Leap to Greatness was illustrated by Jillian Tamaki (one of the artists on Adventure Time), and Rebel Genius was written by the creator of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra (the cartoons), he volunteered to read and review. Read […]

Recently in Romance #4 | Bedmates by Nichole Chase, new Courtney Milan & more!

Recently in Romance #4 | Bedmates by Nichole Chase, new Courtney Milan & more!

Recently in Romance is my mini-review feature where I bundle my recent reads and buys for those of you who are fans of romance and erotica. Recently Read: I really enjoyed Bedmates by Nichole Chase, the author’s take on “American royalty” aka the President’s daughter and the Vice-President’s son. This is an adorable romance between Maddie and Jake, who have known each other for a long time but are seeing each other anew. It started off choppy with alternating points of view, but smoothed out as the characters became more comfortable with each other. It’s also an interesting, if a light […]

#TheStartofEmandYou Wrap-Up!

#TheStartofEmandYou Wrap-Up!

Guys, this week has been one of the most special in my blogging career. When I first came up with the idea of an Emery Lord appreciation week, I figured I’d just write my reviews and send out a few tweets. Never would I have guessed that I would get to interview Emery or commission a quiz from her! Thanks to all of you, and especially Bloomsbury, Penguin Canada, and Emery, this has turned into such a fun, emotional, literary week, so thank you so much for that. I’ve been reading all of the comments, and it has been so gratifying […]

The Start of Em and You – a celebration of Emery Lord!

July 27, 2015 / 9 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Feature
The Start of Em and You – a celebration of Emery Lord!

Hi all, I’m so excited to be hosting The Start of Em and You – Mostly YA Lit’s weeklong celebration of Emery Lord’s work! I’ll be honest, I started this week as a way to motivate myself to finally write my reviews of Emery’s work – I adore her writing, and I feel a little unworthy of even reviewing it. So, I thought, what better way than create a spotlight that celebrates Emery’s books, and her devotion to summer, friendship, and love? I can’t tell you how excited I was when Bloomsbury, Penguin Canada, and Emery herself wanted to get involved. […]

That One Book…

February 6, 2015 / 10 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Discussion, Personal
That One Book…

Everyone has that one book. You know, that book that you absolutely loved but no one else seems to know anything about. The book that almost seems like your best-kept secret, even though you’ve told a ton of people to read it. And maybe it was a series that didn’t get the best pick-up so it might have been shelved. Or maybe the people around you don’t read in the same genre. Or maybe they do and they just didn’t like it as much as you did. And you don’t know why people don’t love it as much as you […]

Why, Eh? Burning Questions About: Just One Day, Unearthly, Gallagher Girls

August 23, 2013 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Why, Eh? Burning Questions About: Just One Day, Unearthly, Gallagher Girls

Most of the reviews that I write for MYL are non-spoilery. I never give away the ending, and thus, I often never get a chance to really talk about some of the questions I have at the end of books or between a series. And sometimes, those questions haunt me for a really long time. Inspired by TVLine’s 20 Questions/Burning Questions series, “Why, Eh?” is my new, sporadic discussion series about YA books. Questions will range from speculation on future plots of series, to analysis of writing, plot, and world-building to…basically anything I can’t get out of my head! Warning: […]