Tag: favourite authors

15 Books You Need in the First Half Of 2017 | Top Ten Tuesday

15 Books You Need in the First Half Of 2017 | Top Ten Tuesday

This is the easiest Top Ten Tuesday I’ve done, like, EVER. Also, if this list is to be believed, I will be shedding vats of tears for the next six months. So, in no particular order, but actually sort of in order? 15 Books You Need in the First Half Of 2017            1.  2.  3.  4.  5. 1. The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord | May 16 – Emery Lord fangirl here. This book is about a girl going to summer camp and a struggle with faith. Basically, it’s about me. Also, it’s […]

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon 2015: High Fives

February 23, 2015 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Book Blogger Love-a-Thon 2015: High Fives

For my last post for the Book Blogger Love-a-Thon 2015, I’m sharing some of my current faves – please leave me a link if you’ve done this and I’ll come check out yours! And thanks so much to Alexa from Alexa Loves Books for organizing this wonderful two-day blogging event! Book? My current fave is I Was Here by Gayle Forman – it was one of those books that was really important to me. Genre? Please. Do you even have to ask? CONTEMPORARY Author? I have two right now: Gayle Forman is my ultimate “I love everything she writes and […]

Review: One & Only by Viv Daniels

January 30, 2014 / 8 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
Review: One & Only by Viv Daniels

One & Only (Canton #1) Author: Viv Daniels (website | twitter) Source: eARC sent to me by author Format: ebook, 264 pages Publication date: November 8th 2013  Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance (some scenes definitely R rated) My rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars One night they can’t forget…Tess McMann lives her life according to the secrets she’s sworn to keep: the father who won’t acknowledge her, the sister who doesn’t know she exists, and the mother who’s content playing mistress to a prominent businessman. When she meets the distractingly cute Dylan Kingsley at a prestigious summer program and falls in love, […]

Top Ten Tuesday #5:Top Ten Authors That I’d Put On My Auto-Buy List

February 26, 2013 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Top Ten Tuesday, Uncategorized
Top Ten Tuesday #5:Top Ten Authors That I’d Put On My Auto-Buy List

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish to highlight a top ten list related to book blogging, and to get to know fellow book bloggers. Guys, this is not a lazy post. I tried to write something about each author, but every description pretty much turned out the same: I will read anything these authors put out because they are all so awesome, and I’m pretty much their publicity mouthpiece at this point. All of them are veteran authors, all of them have awesome, distinct writing styles and genres, and I hope you […]

Top Ten of 2012: Books I’m Looking Forward To in 2013

December 28, 2012 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Top Ten of 2012: Books I’m Looking Forward To in 2013

Before I get to my list, I just wanted to thank Two Chicks on Books, Fiktshun, Confessions of a Bookaholic, A Life Bound By Books, and Magical Urban Fantasy Reads for hosting the Top 10 of 2012 this year. This has been so much fun and it’s been great seeing what other people loved and are looking forward to in the new year.  For my final Top Ten list of the year, here are the books I’m most looking forward to next year! 2013 definitely seems to be the year of the sequel/long-time author. So many of my favourite authors […]