Tag: diversity

“Fighting Evil by Moonlight” Fate of Flames by Sarah Raughley | Review

November 24, 2016 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
“Fighting Evil by Moonlight” Fate of Flames by Sarah Raughley | Review

Review: Fate of Flames by Sarah Raughley Is Fate of Flames is sci-fi or fantasy? I’m not sure it matters. The book has elements from both genres, with a lot about celebrity, teamwork, and memory thrown in. In the near future, the world has been overrun by phantoms, shadowy beasts who wreak havoc wherever they go. Most major cities on Earth have anti-shadow technology that keeps the phantoms outside of the atmosphere. Sometimes, though, they break through, and that’s where the Effigies – four girl superheroes who can each control an element – come in. The Effigies are able to battle […]

Outrun the Moon by Stacey Lee | Review

June 1, 2016 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
Outrun the Moon by Stacey Lee | Review

Review: Outrun the Moon by Stacey Lee Mercy Wong has a dream. A seventeen year old Chinese girl living in San Francisco’s Chinatown at the turn of the 20th century, she’s desperate to gain more learning and prestige and find a way to save herself and her little brother from spending the rest of their lives working for her father’s laundry business. The key? Gaining entry to St. Clare’s School for Girls, the most prestigious school in San Francisco. But it’s 1906 and an earthquake is looming on the horizon… I’d like to preface this review by saying that I […]

Under A Painted Sky by Stacey Lee | Review

March 7, 2016 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
Under A Painted Sky by Stacey Lee | Review

Review: Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee was on so many bloggers’ favorites lists for 2015, and was on my own highly anticipated reads…and then I didn’t read it for ages. Thank goodness for my book club having it as the pick for Jan/Feb, because I really, really needed to read this one, and I think you will, too. Under A Painted Sky is the story of Samantha Young, a Chinese girl living in Missouri on a border town to the Oregon Trail in 1849. She’s been pretty sheltered for most of […]

#WaitingonWednesday: All We Have Left by Wendy Mills

#WaitingonWednesday: All We Have Left by Wendy Mills

Yesterday, the lovely publicity & marketing ladies at Bloomsbury Kids held their Spring Preview event. They live-streamed their pitches for upcoming books coming out from about March 2016 onwards and us bloggers went a little nuts with all the pretties waved in front of us. All We Have Left by Wendy Mills was the book that immediately caught my eye (that cover feeds my watercolour-loving soul – look how well it matches my blog!) and heart. @mostlyyalit SAME. That one is sure to make me cry. #BloomsburySpringPreview — Kit Katlin (@KaitlinS16) October 27, 2015 ALL WE HAVE LEFT would be […]

Waiting on Wednesday: Just Visiting by Dahlia Adler

Waiting on Wednesday: Just Visiting by Dahlia Adler

I’ve had several of Dahlia’s books on my TBR for ages, and I’m pretty excited to read them, but this one…this synopsis really got me. Maybe because it’s a bit more grounded than her Daylight Falls series, which features Hollywood actors. Either way, I love the whole senior year visiting colleges thing – it’s something that resonated a lot with me because as a senior at my American high school in Hong Kong, figuring out the right college for me dominated my every thought (especially since I couldn’t visit myself). I can’t wait to see Reagan and Victoria figure out […]

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books That Celebrate Diversity

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books That Celebrate Diversity

 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6. 7.   8.  9.  10. When Everything Feels Like the Movies by Raziel Reid – This is at the top of my Diverse Books I Must Read Immediately list because it’s Canadian, it’s about homosexuality and bullying, and it won a ton of awards. MUST READ. 5 to 1 by Holly Bodger – Futuristic novel set in India discussing gender roles in verse. This is a fast, solid read. Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee – I’ve been waiting for my library hold of this one forever! Chinese girl meets runaway slave on the Oregon […]