Tag: contemporary ya

On Reading Mindfully: What Kinds of Books Are You Reading This Year? | 2019 Reading Challenges

On Reading Mindfully: What Kinds of Books Are You Reading This Year? | 2019 Reading Challenges

Every year, I participate in a few reading challenges. Usually very quietly, because I hate reading pressure and I’m more of a mood reader, especially now that I have a kid who takes up a lot of time. Usually I don’t even track them very well. However, this year, I decided to give you guys a little preview into the themes I’ll be looking into for 2019. 2019 YEAR OF THE ASIAN READING CHALLENGE I just heard about the Year of the Asian Reading Challenge and I’m absolutely delighted to see it out there. In the past few years, I’ve […]

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, Paper Hearts & Tell Me Three Things | Mini-Revi..

July 11, 2017 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, Paper Hearts & Tell Me Three Things | Mini-Reviews

Review: The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee Henry Montague (Monty) and his best friend Percy – whom he is most certainly NOT in love with – are embarking on their Grand Tour. Monty has been the disappointment of his family for years – with a carefree spirit, he’s always been the rake of the family. Along with them on their tour is Felicity, Monty’s sister, who wants to be more than what her family expects of a lady. Percy, meanwhile, is being sent to Holland after his tour, so Monty is looking at this as one final, […]

Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills | Waiting on Wednesday

Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills | Waiting on Wednesday

I WILL READ ANYTHING EMMA MILLS WRITES. Emma is the lady who gave us the most gorgeous, genuine Pride & Prejudice retelling in a football setting: First & Then. Aka Ezra is my fictional boyfriend-4-eva. Emma is the lady who made us think about fandom and friendship and caring about stuff in This Adventure Ends. Aka Gabe and Sloane-5eva. And now, Emma is giving us Foolish Hearts, with enemies-turned-friends and a high school theatre production (ALWAYS my kryptonite) of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. And yeah, like the rest of her covers, this one is UNBELIEVABLY pretty. I say again…I WILL […]

Waiting on Wednesday: Changes in Latitudes by Jen Malone

Waiting on Wednesday: Changes in Latitudes by Jen Malone

Guys, it’s been a hard week over here, what with the American election and just general in-shock-in-mourning feelings. I haven’t felt much like blogging, but I’m here again to cheer you with an upcoming release! And if you need even more happy frivolity, head over to Andi’s ABCs today, where I’m guest-posting about my recent favorite (mostly cat-related) things. Jen Malone’s Wanderlost was one of my surprise favorite summer books this year. A European vacation, unexpected self-discovery, and a cute boy…it’s pretty much everything you could want from a summer romance. So when I saw Changes in Latitudes on Epic […]

Girls With Guts: Girl Mans Up and Overdrive | Gritty Canadian YA

September 21, 2016 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
Girls With Guts: Girl Mans Up and Overdrive | Gritty Canadian YA

Hi all, I’m back from Asia! I know I promised more reviews than I managed to post – the vacation totally sapped all my reading and blogging time. To make up for it, today I have two mini-reviews of two gritty Canadian YA contemporaries – both are contemporaries, and both deal with kick-arse girls – girls with guts who take on some really hardcore situations. Hope you enjoy, and I promise I will have more reviews and a recap of my awesome vacation soon! I was really excited to read Girl Mans Up by M.E. Girard because I’ve never read a […]