Tag: Canadian

The Field Guide to the North American Teenager & Slayer | Reviews

January 14, 2019 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
The Field Guide to the North American Teenager & Slayer | Reviews

Review: The Field Guide to the North American Teenager by Ben Philippe A unique voice, a strong story thread, and a well-developed cast of characters made The Field Guide to a North American Teenager a fun but not fluffy read. Main character Norris Kaplan is forced to leave his hometown of Montreal (a tragedy for a hockey fan) to move to the boiling hot city of Austin when his mother gets a tenure-track position there. Norris’ wise-cracking mouth and even more sardonic mind are challenged right away by his entry as a student at Anderson High, a huge place that […]

GIVEAWAY + Author Guest Post: On The X-Files & THE WINNOWING by Vikki VanSickle

September 7, 2017 / 12 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blog Tour, Giveaways, Guest Post
GIVEAWAY + Author Guest Post: On The X-Files & THE WINNOWING by Vikki VanSickle

Hi guys, I’m delighted today to be part of the blog tour for The Winnowing by Vikki VanSickle! If you are a Stranger Things or X-Files fan, this book is TOTALLY your jam. 90s conspiracy theories + teens? YES. If you’re following me on Instagram (if not, why not do so now?! ), you’ll know that I attended Vikki’s launch last week. Vikki is one of the coolest people I’ve met through blogging. She’s a Toronto author of children’s and middle grade books, a publicist for Penguin Random House Canada, a former bookseller, a true champion of YA and children’s lit, and […]

Saints and Misfits & I See London, I See France | Mini-Reviews

July 19, 2017 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
Saints and Misfits & I See London, I See France | Mini-Reviews

Review: Saints and Misfits by S.K. Ali Janna Yusuf is a teen who is living with a secret. She’s been sexually assaulted by her friend’s cousin, a guy who her community sees as a pillar of Muslim teenagerhood. Meanwhile, her parents are divorced, her brother is taking a year off from school and dating the local perfect Muslim girl, and she’s got a crush on a guy who isn’t Muslim at all. All of this, plus dealing with her job caring for an elderly man, the delicate girl friendships, and trying to get great grades is taking its toll. Janna’s […]

Maud: A Novel Inspired by the Life of L.M. Montgomery by Melanie J. Fishbane | Review

April 25, 2017 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
Maud: A Novel Inspired by the Life of L.M. Montgomery by Melanie J. Fishbane | Review

Review: Maud by Melanie J. Fishbane I’ve already told you all about my wild excitement at Maud, as well as my obsession with all things Anne of Green Gables. So let’s dive right into Maud. =p My first thoughts when reading MAUD: This reads like Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books! There’s something very simple, direct, and 19th century about the prose in Maud, and it instantly brought me back to all my moments learning about pioneer life as a child. Here’s the thing, though: this is not an idyllic time. Unlike L.M. Montgomery’s whimsical Anne of Green Gables, teen Lucy Maud […]

Giveaway + Guest Post : Me (and) Me by Alice Kuipers | Blog Tour

Giveaway + Guest Post : Me (and) Me by Alice Kuipers | Blog Tour

Hi guys, today I’m excited to be part of the blog tour for Me (and) Me by Alice Kuipers! This is a Canadian book that deals with an impossible choice: if two people you love are drowning, who do you save? The novel looks, in parallel, at what happens to protagonist Lark after each choice. Read on for more about the book, Alice’s own decision that changed her life (it’s REALLY good), and a chance to win a signed copy of Me (and) Me! Please welcome Alice Kuipers to Mostly YA Lit! “What is your one moment and one decision that […]

“Fighting Evil by Moonlight” Fate of Flames by Sarah Raughley | Review

November 24, 2016 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
“Fighting Evil by Moonlight” Fate of Flames by Sarah Raughley | Review

Review: Fate of Flames by Sarah Raughley Is Fate of Flames is sci-fi or fantasy? I’m not sure it matters. The book has elements from both genres, with a lot about celebrity, teamwork, and memory thrown in. In the near future, the world has been overrun by phantoms, shadowy beasts who wreak havoc wherever they go. Most major cities on Earth have anti-shadow technology that keeps the phantoms outside of the atmosphere. Sometimes, though, they break through, and that’s where the Effigies – four girl superheroes who can each control an element – come in. The Effigies are able to battle […]

Girls With Guts: Girl Mans Up and Overdrive | Gritty Canadian YA

September 21, 2016 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
Girls With Guts: Girl Mans Up and Overdrive | Gritty Canadian YA

Hi all, I’m back from Asia! I know I promised more reviews than I managed to post – the vacation totally sapped all my reading and blogging time. To make up for it, today I have two mini-reviews of two gritty Canadian YA contemporaries – both are contemporaries, and both deal with kick-arse girls – girls with guts who take on some really hardcore situations. Hope you enjoy, and I promise I will have more reviews and a recap of my awesome vacation soon! I was really excited to read Girl Mans Up by M.E. Girard because I’ve never read a […]

Save Me, Kurt Cobain by Jenny Manzer | Giveaway + Author Interview

Save Me, Kurt Cobain by Jenny Manzer | Giveaway + Author Interview

Hi guys, today I have an interview with the fantastic Jenny Manzer, whose debut novel Save Me, Kurt Cobain comes out in just 10 days! If you’re a fan of 90s grunge like I am, or even if you’re just a fan of the idea of a rock star being your father…this book might be for you. I’m pretty sure this is a tearjerker. Check out more about the book and Jenny’s thoughts on grunge, Nirvana, and loss! Without further ado, please join me in welcoming Jenny Manzer, author of Save Me, Kurt Cobain, to Mostly YA Lit! Tiff @ Mostly […]

La Vie En Rose: The Distance from A to Z by Natalie Blitt

January 15, 2016 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
La Vie En Rose: The Distance from A to Z by Natalie Blitt

REVIEW: The Distance from A to Z by Natalie Blitt SWOONS. BOOK BOYFRIENDS. What else can I say to get your attention? Because The Distance from A to Z by Natalie Blitt has both of those things in epic amounts. We’re talking full-on butterflies in your stomach, tears in your eyes, Anna and the French Kiss levels of swoons. When I first heard about The Distance from A to Z by Natalie Blitt, I really liked the idea of a girl being in an intensive language course over the summer and falling for her language partner. I thought that The Distance from […]

Review: The Almost Truth by Eileen Cook

January 18, 2013 / 27 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
Review: The Almost Truth by Eileen Cook

The Almost Truth Author: Eileen Cook Publisher: Simon Pulse Publication Date: December 12, 2012 Format: Hardcover borrowed from Toronto Public Library My rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars Synopsis:  From Goodreads: From the author of Unraveling Isobel and The Education of Hailey Kendrick, a smart, romantic novel about a teenage con artist who might be in over her head. Sadie can’t wait to get away from her backwards small town, her delusional mom, her jailbird dad, and the tiny trailer where she was raised…even though leaving those things behind also means leaving Brendan. Sadie wants a better life, and she has […]