Tag: abigail haas

Book Blitz: Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas

August 14, 2014 / 0 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Book Blitz: Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas

Hi guys, today I’m helping promote Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas, aka Abby McDonald. Normally, I don’t participate in blitzes without reading the book first (my ARC TBR is crazy right now), but I’ve long been a fan of Abby’s work, especially Sophomore Switch and The Popularity Rules, which are both really smart feminist books. She’s an author who really looks at how women are portrayed and what matters to them, and she’s great at turning typical plot points on their heads in surprising ways.  I haven’t read Dangerous Girls yet, but this companion sounds like a fantastic, twisty thriller. […]