Author: ali benjamin

#TopTenTuesday: My Fall 2015 To-Be-Read List!

September 22, 2015 / 6 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Top Ten Tuesday
#TopTenTuesday: My Fall 2015 To-Be-Read List!

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is posted on Instagram, and it’s my Fall 2015 to be read list. It’s actually a crapload longer than this, but these are the highlights, in no particularly order. 1. When We Collided by Emery Lord (pub date: April 5, 2016): I got this ARC a few weeks ago from Bloomsbury (thank you!), and it’s absolutely at the top of Mount TBR because EMERY. 2. Tonight the Streets Are Ours by Leila Sales (pub date: Sept 15, 2015): my most anticipated fall read about one crazy night and bloggers. I’m holding back on reading this for […]