Category: Feature

The Unexpected Everything | 5 Star Review | Blog Tour + Giveaway | #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWe..

The Unexpected Everything | 5 Star Review | Blog Tour + Giveaway | #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWeek

Hello all! Today I’m reviewing The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson for both the Canadian blog tour, and as the first post for my Unexpectedly Epic Morgan Matson Week! If you’re a fan of YA contemporary books, you really can’t go wrong with Morgan’s work. Scroll down to check out my review of this, my favourite book of the year so far, and then check out the amazing Three Scoops of Summer giveaway for Canadians – you can win a copy of The Unexpected Everything, Siobhan Vivian’s The Last Boy and Girl in the World, and Meg Leder’s The Museum of Heartbreak. […]

Welcome to the Unexpectedly Epic Morgan Matson Week! | Giveaway & Dare Link-Up

Welcome to the Unexpectedly Epic Morgan Matson Week! | Giveaway & Dare Link-Up

Welcome to Mostly YA Lit’s Unexpectedly Epic Morgan Matson Week (I know, that’s a mouthful)! I’m so delighted to kick off my weeklong celebration of YA author Morgan Matson’s work.  If you’ve read Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour, Second Chance Summer, Since You’ve Been Gone, or The Unexpected Everything, you know that Morgan is an absolute master at capturing the adventure and whimsy of everyday life, the wonder of having great family and friends, and the romances that crop up when you least expect them, the tough parts, the unexpectedly epic parts… And that’s why I put this week together. It’s not […]

Recently in Romance #1: Reviews of Tessa Dare, Sarina Bowen & More!

Recently in Romance #1: Reviews of Tessa Dare, Sarina Bowen & More!

Since becoming a romance reader a year and a half ago, I’ve struggled to figure out where romance reviews belong on my site. I don’t usually write full reviews of romance books, and I’m not sure if all of you like the X-rated books! Recently in Romance is my new mini-review feature where I bundle my recent reads and buys for those of you who are fans.  Recently Read:   Wow. I think this might be one of my new favourite romances. When Jen from Pop! Goes the Reader found out that I’d never read any Tessa Dare, she immediately […]

How to Make Holiday Shopping Bearable: The Mostly YA Lit Holiday Guide, Part 1

December 3, 2015 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Fashion, Feature, Personal, Shopping
How to Make Holiday Shopping Bearable: The Mostly YA Lit Holiday Guide, Part 1

Guys, in case you didn’t know, I’m an avid shopper. I love all things bookish, but I also love all things pretty, whimsical, and fun. And above all? I love shopping for other people, especially during the holidays. I pride myself on getting the perfect gifts  and on finishing most of my holiday shopping in 1-2 days. WHATWHYHOWWHERE, you say? Well, I’m here to share my secrets for you to enjoy the holiday shopping, stress and burnout free. Over the next few days (or weeks, depending on how fast I get it done!), I’ll be sharing a few different ideas […]

On Dawson’s Creek and Love Triangles [Capeside Revisited]

October 22, 2015 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Discussion, Feature, Personal, TV
On Dawson’s Creek and Love Triangles [Capeside Revisited]

Hold onto your horses, guys. I’m about to defend young adult love triangles using Dawson’s Creek. *waits for falling anvils* When Rachel from Hello, Chelly asked me to be part of Capeside Revisited, her Dawson’s Creek appreciation week, I immediately started writing a post – without a lot of thought, just putting down ideas. And what really came out of it – aside from my encyclopedic knowledge of this show and how seminal it was to my understanding of teenagerhood – was the realization that this is one of the first stories I’d ever seen where a love triangle was […]

#TheStartofEmandYou Wrap-Up!

#TheStartofEmandYou Wrap-Up!

Guys, this week has been one of the most special in my blogging career. When I first came up with the idea of an Emery Lord appreciation week, I figured I’d just write my reviews and send out a few tweets. Never would I have guessed that I would get to interview Emery or commission a quiz from her! Thanks to all of you, and especially Bloomsbury, Penguin Canada, and Emery, this has turned into such a fun, emotional, literary week, so thank you so much for that. I’ve been reading all of the comments, and it has been so gratifying […]

Quiz: Which Emery Lord character are you?

Quiz: Which Emery Lord character are you?

Happy Saturday, guys! Today for #TheStartofMeandYou, Emery’s got a hilarious quiz for you to determine which Open Road Summer or The Start of Em and You character you are! Head over to Buzzfeed to take the quiz, then come back and let us know who you got for extra entries into all the giveaways (P.S. I was, unsurprisingly, Paige).    International giveaways a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway US/CAN giveaways a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

In Which I Interview Emery Lord (!!!!)

In Which I Interview Emery Lord (!!!!)

Guys, I am so excited to welcome the one & only Emery Lord to my blog today for an interview! You’ve heard a ton from me and from other readers on what her work has meant to us…now, bask in the awesomeness that is the Lord. =p Emery is just as vivacious and honest and well-spoken as her books, and I had SUCH a good time reading her answers – and if there’s not a line-up to be her friend after this, then something has gone wrong in the universe. =p Check it out! 1. Firstly, can you choose one song […]

[GIVEAWAY + Guest Post] 5 Reasons to Put When We Collided on Your To Be Read List

[GIVEAWAY + Guest Post] 5 Reasons to Put When We Collided on Your To Be Read List

Hi guys, today I’ve got a fantastic guest post from the wonderful Ginger of GReads! on Emery Lord’s 2016 release, When We Collided. Ginger is one of Emery’s biggest fans, and she got to read this book when it was still going through revisions (seriously, how jealous are you?). When she offered to help out with this week, I knew I needed to get her to talk about what she loved about WWC – spoiler-free, of course! Read on for her thoughts, and for an international ARC giveaway! Opening up an Emery Lord book is like taking a plunge; the […]

[Giveaway] Open Road Summer: Why It Ain’t Slut Shaming

July 29, 2015 / 36 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Feature, Review
[Giveaway] Open Road Summer: Why It Ain’t Slut Shaming

Open Road Summer was a library read right before BEA14 for me. It stuck with me totally – it was one of those books I just didn’t want to end, where every page there was a moment that made me suck in my breath because it was so perfect. Interestingly, I remember chatting in a line with another blogger, and discussing how she couldn’t deal with the slut-shaming. So when I came home, I started writing this review, and I realized that I needed to address this. Because while the character Reagan does slut-shame girls, there is never an instance where […]