Category: Cover Reveal

CONTEST: Vote & Win an ARC of Temporary by Sarina Bowen & Sarah Mayberry!

CONTEST: Vote & Win an ARC of Temporary by Sarina Bowen & Sarah Mayberry!

Hi guys, coming at you really quickly today with a surprise cover reveal and contest from my romance fave Sarina Bowen. Sarina and new collaborator Sarah Mayberry have co-written TEMPORARY, an incredibly sexy M/F romance coming out September 12th, and I couldn’t be more excited! If you know me and my romance tastes, you know that Sarina is at the top of my fave romance authors list. I read everything she writes. And I’ve been very assured that Aussie Sarah Mayberry’s work will be just as steamy and heart-warming. So here’s the thing: Sarina and Sarah can’t decide between two […]

Goodbye Paradise by Sarina Bowen | Cover Reveal

February 8, 2017 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Cover Reveal
Goodbye Paradise by Sarina Bowen | Cover Reveal

I’ve written several times about my absolute love for Sarina Bowen and her wonderful new adult series. She is one of the few authors whose books I get for review and immediately start! I’m particularly in love with her work writing male/male romances, which I honestly never would have tried had it not been for her. The Understatement of the Year is one of my fave romances ever, and Him and Us are just amazing. Seriously, if you guys are hesitant on m/m, I would definitely encourage you to try one of these. So I’m very excited to be sharing with […]