Author: Emma Mills
Find the author: Website, Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram, Tumblr
Also by this author: This Adventure Ends, Foolish Hearts
Publisher: Henry Holt & Co BYR
Publication date: October 4th 2016
Sloane isn't expecting to fall in with a group of friends when she moves from New York to Florida—especially not a group of friends so intense, so in love, so all-consuming. Yet that's exactly what happens.
Sloane becomes closest to Vera, a social-media star who lights up any room, and Gabe, Vera's twin brother and the most serious person Sloane's ever met. When a beloved painting by the twins' late mother goes missing, Sloane takes on the responsibility of tracking it down, a journey that takes her across state lines—and ever deeper into the twins' lives.
Filled with intense and important friendships, a wonderful warts-and-all family, shiveringly good romantic developments, and sharp, witty dialogue, this story is about finding the people you never knew you needed.
Look, all I have to say is that that cover matches my Waiting on Wednesday image, which should tell you that this book and I are meant to be.
Still not convinced? How about the fact that it includes a quest for a missing painting? How about the fact that there’s going to be romance and friendship and family? How about the fact that it’s written by Emma Mills, whose 2015 debut First & Then was one of my favourites last year (with an insanely good book boyfriend)?
Here’s what I said about First & Then:
“First & Then is more of an homage to Austen and football than it is a retelling. Mills carefully and brilliantly plots her novel so that we get those Austen feels, but the book never feels like it relies on Austen for anything. The characters and situations feel real and fresh. The dialogue is authentic and honest…Read this while the autumn leaves are changing colour, with a mug of tea and blanket thrown over you. It’ll warm you up with its swoons and honesty.”
And here’s the thing about this book…it snuck up on me. I liked it at the beginning. I really liked it at the end. And the second time I read it, I LOVED it.
I can only hope for the same thing with This Adventure Ends, although I suspect this time, I’ll be in love a lot sooner .
Is THIS ADVENTURE ENDS on your to be read list? What are you waiting for this week? Let me know and I’ll stop by!
“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating.
I absolutely loved First & Then too, which is the reason why I will be reading this book as SOON as it comes out.
LOVE the cover for this one!! Those colours ♥ I love a book based of friendships and one that has a mystery to boot! Thanks for bringing this one to my attention my friend – I hope you love it when you read it 🙂
Love the cover, and this sounds like it will be amazing! Can’t wait to read this one!
This looks incredible! Great pick!
my WoW
Gorgeous cover!! Adding this to my never-ending TBR list :p
This cover is so mesmerizing! And I’m very much looking forward to reading This Adventure Ends! It kind of makes me want to reread First & Then 🙂