Waiting on Wednesday: Whatever Life Throws At You by Julie Cross

June 18, 2014 / 3 Comments / Book Memes, Uncategorized, Waiting on Wednesday

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that book bloggers are eagerly anticipating.

This week’s can’t-wait-for-it book is a sports YA!

Whatever Life Throws at You
Author: Julie Cross (website | twitter)

Publisher: Entangled Teen
Expected publication: October 7th 2014

Seventeen-year-old Annie Lucas is too young to remember her dad’s glory days as a pitcher for the Yankees. So when her father is offered a coaching position with the Kansas City Royals, Annie is intrigued to see the baseball side of her dad. Of course, knowing he’ll be a mentor to hot young rookie pitcher, Jason Brody, certainly makes it more enticing.

After an awkward first meeting with “Brody” involving very little clothing and a much-too-personal locker room interview, Annie’s convinced she knows Brody’s type: arrogant, self-involved, bossy. As her dad grows closer to the pitching phenom, the friction between Brody and Annie increases. But when opening day arrives and it looks like both her dad and Brody may lose their dream jobs, Annie steps up and offers support. She and Brody call a truce that grows into friendship—and beyond. Falling for a rising star who’s quickly reaching a level that involves rabid female fans is not what Annie would call smart, except suddenly she’s getting hints that maybe this crush isn’t one-sided after all. Could someone like Brody actually fall for a girl like her?
I haven’t heard much about this one at all, and I haven’t read Julie Cross’ Tempest series, but I’m always good for a contemp involving sports. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t PLAY sports, because hand-eye coordination and I are at total odds, but I do like to live vicariously through characters who love sports.

I also like the fact that this isn’t really a Varsity Blues situation, where the main player is feeling too much pressure but the town is relying on him, etc, etc (aka cliched to the hilt). This book involves professional athletes, which makes it feel like mature YA, and the conflict stems from the romance and external forces encroaching on the coach and the love interest.

Also, BASEBALL. I’m not a huge baseball fan, but I do have to admit to it being one of my favourite organized team sports – and my Jays are doing great this season, too!

Are you interested in reading WHATEVER LIFE THROWS AT YOU? Do you like sports books or books with athletes? How do you feel about baseball? What are you waiting for this week? Sound off in the comments!

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3 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday: Whatever Life Throws At You by Julie Cross

  1. I actually don't think I've read a lot of contemporary novels involving sport. Maybe it's because the only sports I really like are football and cycling, but I might have to branch out and have a look at this one! The cover is adorable btw! Great pick and enjoy your week 🙂
    My WoW
    Juli @ Universe in Words

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