Tag: ya books

Release by Patrick Ness | Waiting on Wednesday

Release by Patrick Ness | Waiting on Wednesday

Reasons RELEASE by Patrick Ness is on the tippy-top of my To Be Read list: 1) It’s inspired by Mrs. Dalloway, my favorite novel by my favorite author Virginia Woolf. Like, on my top 5 favorite books of ALL TIME. 2) It’s written by Patrick Ness, King of Cats, YA author extraordinaire of gems like The Rest of Us Just Live Here, A Monster Calls, and the soul destroying The Knife of Never Letting Go. Oh yeah, and he also wrote Class, the Doctor Who spinoff. 3) Reading a Ness book is always about pushing the envelope in some way – […]

Waiting on Wednesday: Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy

Waiting on Wednesday: Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy

RAMONA BLUE. *grabby hands* As some of you may know, I ADORED Julie Murphy’s last book, DUMPLIN.  It’s about a fat girl living in a pageant-obsessed Texan small-town who gets the guy. And it’s so much more than what I just wrote, and one of the best contemporary YA books out there. So obviously, Ramona Blue and ANYTHING JULIE MURPHY WRITES is on my auto-buy list. I already love how complex Ramona’s sexual orientation is going to be. DUMPLIN was also weighty with responsibility and expectations placed on teens, so I’m excited to see how Ramona deals with these pressures. Basically, […]

10 YA Books That Promote LGBTQ, Diversity & Compassion | Top Ten Tuesday

10 YA Books That Promote LGBTQ, Diversity & Compassion | Top Ten Tuesday

I’m taking a few liberties with this week’s #TopTenTuesday topic, which is books we’re looking forward to for the back half of 2016. In the wake of what happened in Orlando on Sunday, and the scary and sometimes completely incomprehensible violence around us, I thought I’d use this week’s #TTT to highlight some recent and upcoming books that promote inclusivity, diversity, and compassion, especially for the LGBTQ community. For me, the book community is a place where everyone is welcome and tolerated, whether you’re a geek or a nerd, a white person, a person of color, an introvert or an extrovert, […]

2 YA Books To Read On Sexual Assault : The Way I Used To Be & Exit, Pursued by a Bear

March 25, 2016 / 9 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Discussion, Review
2 YA Books To Read On Sexual Assault : The Way I Used To Be & Exit, Pursued by a Bear

Hi everyone, today I have reviews of two recent YA books to read on sexual assault: The Way I Used to Be by Amber Smith and Exit, Pursued by a Bear by E.K. Johnson.If you’ve read this blog recently or follow me on Twitter at all in the last year, you know that consent and sexual abuse are issues that I care very deeply about. I’ve chosen to bundle these reviews together because they deal with the rape of teenage girls in two vastly different, but equally honest and thought-provoking ways. It’s fascinating to read them together and to see just how wide the range of […]

Review: The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness

October 2, 2015 / 11 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
Review: The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness

Warning: There is some profanity in this book and this review – it’s not extreme, but it might be something that puts some parents off.  I’m gonna tell it to you straight: The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness is bit of a roast. It’s funny, it’s snarky, and it doesn’t hold back on making fun of some of the conventional concepts and ideas in YA books right now. This is only my second Patrick Ness book (my first was The Knife of Never Letting Go), but it’s vastly different from the one I read before, which […]