Tag: wattpad

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, Paper Hearts & Tell Me Three Things | Mini-Revi..

July 11, 2017 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, Paper Hearts & Tell Me Three Things | Mini-Reviews

Review: The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee Henry Montague (Monty) and his best friend Percy – whom he is most certainly NOT in love with – are embarking on their Grand Tour. Monty has been the disappointment of his family for years – with a carefree spirit, he’s always been the rake of the family. Along with them on their tour is Felicity, Monty’s sister, who wants to be more than what her family expects of a lady. Percy, meanwhile, is being sent to Holland after his tour, so Monty is looking at this as one final, […]

“They Don’t Know About Us”: The Heartbreakers by Ali Novak

August 4, 2015 / 7 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review, Uncategorized
“They Don’t Know About Us”: The Heartbreakers by Ali Novak

Stella and her twins Cara and Drew have been through a lot together – Cara has non-Hodgkins lymphoma and has been in and out of the hospital as a teen. Now, with their eighteeth birthday coming up, Drew and Stella concoct a scheme to get her signed memorabilia from the world’s biggest boy band, the Heartbreakers – and Stella’s worst nightmare. A bunch of coincidences throw them together with the band for a night, where they have an amazing time together, especially Stella and lead singer Oliver. When an opportunity comes up for Stella to work with the band again, […]