Tag: sexual orientation

Noteworthy by Riley Redgate | Review

May 2, 2017 / 6 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
Noteworthy by Riley Redgate | Review

Review: Wow, wow, wow. If you are not putting Noteworthy on your to-be-read list right now, you are missing out. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I adored this a cappella-themed diverse, contemporary YA novel. It’s way WAY more than I expected it to be. I mean, yes, it’s a cute premise (cross-dressing to join a boys a cappella group? GIVE IT TO ME). Yes, it has an incredibly diverse and honest cast. Yes, it’s #ownvoices. But all of that doesn’t tell you just how deep author Riley Redgate goes to create rounded characters – characters who […]

Waiting on Wednesday: Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy

Waiting on Wednesday: Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy

RAMONA BLUE. *grabby hands* As some of you may know, I ADORED Julie Murphy’s last book, DUMPLIN.  It’s about a fat girl living in a pageant-obsessed Texan small-town who gets the guy. And it’s so much more than what I just wrote, and one of the best contemporary YA books out there. So obviously, Ramona Blue and ANYTHING JULIE MURPHY WRITES is on my auto-buy list. I already love how complex Ramona’s sexual orientation is going to be. DUMPLIN was also weighty with responsibility and expectations placed on teens, so I’m excited to see how Ramona deals with these pressures. Basically, […]