Tag: science fiction

Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff | 5 Star Review

May 24, 2018 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff | 5 Star Review

SPOILERS FOR BOOKS 1 and 2: Obsidio is the third book in the Illuminae series, so I’m not going to hold back on spoilers for the first two books. If you’re interested in the series but haven’t read the first two, this is where you should leave (and immediately go get Illuminae or Gemina because let me tell you, this series is epic and ends spectacularly. You won’t be disappointed). Review: OBSIDIO by AMIE KAUFMAN & JAY KRISTOFF Obsidio. Whoa. My mind was BLOWN, guys.  We start Obsidio a few months after the crazy end of Gemina. There’s a tribunal […]

Middle Grade Reads #2 | Omega City: The Forbidden Fortress by Diana Peterfreund and Smile by Raina T..

Middle Grade Reads #2 | Omega City: The Forbidden Fortress by Diana Peterfreund and Smile by Raina Telgemeier

A fast-paced, cerebral book, OMEGA CITY: The Forbidden Fortress continues the journey of Gillian Seagret, her brother Eric, and their friends Savannah, Howard, and Nate. Ten months after finding Omega City, an mythical underground town that proves to be real, and escaping the clutches of the Shepherds, a group of conspiracy theorists bent on taking the technology from Omega City for nefarious purposes, Gillian and Eric are now living at home with their mother while their father tours and promotes his book based on their adventures. Gillian’s mom is planning to move them to Idaho, and Gillian’s not happy about […]

A Million Worlds With You by Claudia Gray | Mini-Review (& A Note on Consent and Rape)

January 16, 2017 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
A Million Worlds With You by Claudia Gray | Mini-Review (& A Note on Consent and Rape)

Mini-Review: A Million Worlds With You by Claudia Gray Spoilers for the first two books, but not for this one. Easily the most action-packed of this trilogy, A Million Worlds with You takes us on a roller-coaster of emotion and movement. After discovering Triad and Home Office’s plans for destruction of many worlds in order to save a loved one, Marguerite is in a race with the most evil version of herself – the Wicked Marguerite, a girl whose “art” is sadism and destruction. Chasing her from parallel universe to parallel universe in order to try to prevent the loss […]

Recent Sci-Fi Reads: The Diabolic and The Handmaid’s Tale | Book Reviews

November 30, 2016 / 0 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Mini-Reviews, Review
Recent Sci-Fi Reads: The Diabolic and The Handmaid’s Tale | Book Reviews

The Diabolic is the story of Nemesis, a biologically engineered bodyguard programmed to protect one person against anyone around her. Nemesis is the Diabolic for Sidonia, the daughter of an intergalactic Senator under investigation for treason. The Galactic Empire decides to force Sidonia to come to their planet instead as a punishment. Scared for her life, Sidonia’s mother sends Nemesis in disguise, where Nemesis must traverse the political establishment while pretending to be human. I wanted to like The Diabolic, but unfortunately, it wasn’t for me. The main issue was that Nemesis’ voice was kind of robotic and completely devoid […]

Learning to Swear in America | Giveaway + Guest Post by Author Katie Kennedy

Learning to Swear in America | Giveaway + Guest Post by Author Katie Kennedy

Hi guys, today I have the lovely Katie Kennedy here to talk about her upcoming debut, LEARNING TO SWEAR IN AMERICA. If you know me, you know I really love science in my YA and I’m especially partial to physics, so this book has been on my to-be-read list since I first heard about it. I love that there’s this 17-year-old physics prodigy who’s going to learn how to be a teenager from this normal kid…with a backdrop of living your life to the fullest. SO my kind of book. Read on to find out more about the book, then […]