Tag: real life

Hello, Baby! 4 Favorite Baby Books to Read To Your Newborn | BabyLit

Hello, Baby! 4 Favorite Baby Books to Read To Your Newborn | BabyLit

Hello, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it? I’m so happy to be back to blogging again! It feels great to be reading and reviewing again since my baby has taken over my life. In case you missed it, this is my daughter, Gemma. She was born in mid-November.  She’s now 9 weeks old, 8.5 lbs, and an absolute joy. We had quite a ride with her – a lot of extra hospital visits, tears, breastfeeding issues. I’m happy to say that things have levelled out a bit and we’ve gotten into a bit of a routine. Getting to know Gemma has […]

(Tiny, Mini) Blog Break

June 22, 2015 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
(Tiny, Mini) Blog Break

Hi all, just a quick note to let you know that I won’t be doing any posting this week as I have a huge, ginormous show that I’m in until Sunday (1,000 performers! 12 choirs! 12 string quartets! Dancers, actors, performance artists!). The good news is that I’m getting tons of reading done when I’m not singing in rehearsals, and I’m tweeting and Instagramming about it all! Feel free to follow and comment so that I don’t get too bored while counting measures until my next entrance. I couldn’t even properly get a photo of the massive number of choir […]

Blog Break: Moving!

July 28, 2014 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Personal, Uncategorized
Blog Break: Moving!

Hi all, very quick update to let you know that I’m not going to be posting or responding much in the next two weeks because I’m moving! Evan and I recently bought our first house (it’s a bit of a fixer-upper) and it’s been crazy busy this last month prepping for the move and getting the house renovated and ready to move into. You will probably see one or two reviews in the next weeks, but I won’t be doing my usual amount of tweeting or replies. I’m definitely looking forward to getting into my house and getting my 10,000 […]

Blog Break

October 23, 2013 / 2 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Blog Break

Hi guys – you may have noticed that I haven’t been posting super regularly. Real life and my own personal issues have gotten in the way, so I’ve been in a blogging slump. I’m hoping to get back to it soon, but for now, I’ve been taking time to read without reviewing and fall back in love with other things, like movies! I’ve got lots of books read, though, so I’m hoping to be back and better than ever in November. Until then, happy reading, and see you on the other side! Love, Tiff

Blog Slowdown + Engagement Photos!

May 15, 2013 / 10 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Blog Slowdown + Engagement Photos!

Hi guys, you’ve probably noticed that Mostly YA Lit has slowed down a lot in the last couple weeks. The reason for this is that wedding planning and work have taken over my life a bit, and I haven’t had the time or energy to blog. I knew this was going to happen, but I didn’t think it would happen so soon!  I hope you guys will stick with me as I try to get through my last few ARCs and reviews. I’ll be taking a real blog break from mid June to mid July, but I promise that after […]

Friday Rants: Let’s Hear It for the Good Boys!

March 8, 2013 / 17 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Friday Rants: Let’s Hear It for the Good Boys!

Friday Rants is a new YA discussion series I’m starting here on Mostly YA Lit. It’s a discussion post, but it will start with a question or idea that’s been brewing in my mind for awhile, and I can’t get rid of. Thus, the rant! Come discuss with me and let’s get some of these issues out in the open! Look, I get it. Bad boys are sexy. They smolder, they seem dangerous, and if you’re the one person who can change them…that’s something special. Jordan Catalano, ultimate bad boy. NOT good for you! Lately I’ve noticed a pretty crazy […]