Tag: non-binary

There’s Something About Sweetie, I Wish You All the Best & The Goodbye Summer | Quick Tho..

May 30, 2019 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Review
There’s Something About Sweetie, I Wish You All the Best & The Goodbye Summer | Quick Thoughts on New Releases

REVIEW: There’s Something About Sweetie by Sandhya Menon A really cute diverse love story with a great message. Sweetie Nair is a fat, high school track star who is a fierce feminist. She’s also a dutiful daughter and super into her Indian culture. Sweetie spends most of her time dealing with her mother’s issues with how she should lose weight, but her confidence shines through the years of fat-shaming. Ashish Patel is dealing with heartbreak. After being dumped by his on-and-off college girlfriend Celia, he’s got no mojo left. He’s worried he’ll never gain back his confidence with basketball, girls, […]