Tag: may 2017

The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord | Blog Tour + Review

May 17, 2017 / 0 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blog Tour, Review
The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord | Blog Tour + Review

Hi guys, I’m delighted to be part of the Canadian blog tour for THE NAMES THEY GAVE US by Emery Lord. As some of you know, Emery is one of my all-time favorite, auto-buy authors. I love her so much that I hosted a week-long celebration of her work a few years ago! For this blog tour, I got to ask Emery one question, and I’ve also got a review of this wonderful book. Check it out. Review: The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord THE NAMES THEY GAVE US was a unique and personal read for me, and […]

Waiting on Wednesday: Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy

Waiting on Wednesday: Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy

RAMONA BLUE. *grabby hands* As some of you may know, I ADORED Julie Murphy’s last book, DUMPLIN.  It’s about a fat girl living in a pageant-obsessed Texan small-town who gets the guy. And it’s so much more than what I just wrote, and one of the best contemporary YA books out there. So obviously, Ramona Blue and ANYTHING JULIE MURPHY WRITES is on my auto-buy list. I already love how complex Ramona’s sexual orientation is going to be. DUMPLIN was also weighty with responsibility and expectations placed on teens, so I’m excited to see how Ramona deals with these pressures. Basically, […]

Maud by Melanie J. Fishbane | Waiting on Wednesday

Maud by Melanie J. Fishbane | Waiting on Wednesday

Guys. Gather round. Let me tell you a story. So it’s no secret that Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite heroines of all time. I’ve been fascinated with her and with author L.M. Montgomery for a very long time. So when I first heard about MAUD, a YA novel based on Montgomery’s teen life a few years ago? I freaked out. Not only did I hear about it, but I heard about it from a friend. My friend Melanie Fishbane, who I met through book blogging. And the reason she was telling me about it? Because she wrote […]

Waiting on Wednesday | The Names They Gave Us | Emery Lord

September 28, 2016 / 4 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Book Memes, Waiting on Wednesday
Waiting on Wednesday | The Names They Gave Us | Emery Lord

I mean. It’s Emery Lord. Emery Lord, who is one of my all-time fave authors. So much so that I did a week of posts about her work. Emery Lord, who writes about complex females and femship and  feminism and grief and mental health in the best, most illuminating ways. Emery Lord, writing about a religious girl who goes to Bible camp (my life as a tween) questioning her faith (also me). Auto-buy, obviously. Also, will you look at that watercolour cover? Is THE NAMES THEY GAVE US on your TBR? What are you waiting for this week? Let me know […]