Tag: learning

3 Things to Think About At 33 [GIVEAWAY]

3 Things to Think About At 33 [GIVEAWAY]

Hey guys! It’s my birthday! Yes, that’s right, today I am 33. I know there isn’t anything big or special about 33, but I’m a birthday person, and every year I get older, I do think I gain a little more wisdom and a lot more perspective. So, if you’ll indulge me, here is a list of things I’ve thought about and learned in the past year. How Much I Value My Physical Well-Being Look, I’m not saying I’m the healthiest person around, but having sprained my ankle and spent months healing it, only to have it strained again…I’m aware […]

Movie Review: Boyhood directed by Richard Linklater

August 16, 2014 / 1 Comment / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Movie Review: Boyhood directed by Richard Linklater

In another director’s hands, the movie Boyhood could have been cheesy or gimmicky. The very idea of it sounds a bit hokey: “a movie where you literally watch a boy grow up before your eyes.” Filmmaker Richard Linklater (Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight, Dazed and Confused, dozens of other great movies – also my favourite director) filmed it a few weeks a year, over twelve years, from when the starring actor was five to when he turned eighteen. The actors are the same throughout the twelve years, and you watch them age and change, and a story of a […]