Tag: exclusive content

GIVEAWAY + Bonus Scene: Just Like the Movies by Kelly Fiore

July 24, 2015 / 8 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blog Tour
GIVEAWAY + Bonus Scene: Just Like the Movies by Kelly Fiore

Hi everyone, today I have the very special honour of unveiling a bonus scene from Kelly Fiore’s Just Like the Movies! This book was one of my most personal and favourite reads last year, and it’s now been repackaged as part of Bloomsbury’s If Only series – with a new cover that’s not ready yet, but I’ve been promised by them that’s it’s just as adorable. Today’s blog tour is just one stop featuring If Only’s cute and sweet YA romances – and if you read on, you’ll see that Bloomsbury is generously offering an ENTIRE SET of If Only books for one […]