Tag: excerpt

Giveaway and Excerpt: The Boys of Summer by C.J. Duggan

February 5, 2013 / 9 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Giveaway and Excerpt: The Boys of Summer by C.J. Duggan

Hi everyone, today I’m part of the Xpresso Book Tours’ Boys of Summer Book Blitz to promote C.J. Duggan’s New Adult contemporary romance – you know I love me some hot contemp boy action, right?  Read on for more on the Onslow Boys, an excerpt, and a giveaway! The Boys of Summer Author: C.J. Duggan (Summer Series, #1) Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance Publication date: December 17, 2012 Synopsis: It seemed only natural to nickname them the ‘Onslow Boys’. Every time they swaggered in the front door of the Onslow Hotel after a hard week’s work, their laughter was loud […]