Tag: destination reading

#TiffTakesAsia | Blog Hiatus (Sorta)

August 31, 2016 / 6 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Blogging Life, Personal
#TiffTakesAsia | Blog Hiatus (Sorta)

blog hiatus  aka #tifftakesasia Hi guys, if you follow me on social media, you know that #TiffTakesAsia is happening TODAY.  Yes, that’s right, as you read this, I am probably on a plane with my husband, headed to Hong Kong to see my family, followed by Taipei and Tokyo! But not to worry, even though I’m gone, the blog is not. You’ll still be seeing reviews on Mostly YA Lit for some of fall’s hottest titles, starting with Leave Me by Gayle Forman (this week!). I won’t be doing any memes while I’m gone, though, and I won’t super responsive on […]

Impressions: Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour | #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWeek

Impressions: Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour | #UnexpectedlyEpic #MorganMatsonWeek

Today for Morgan Matson Week, I’m taking you way, way back to the beginning of my love affair with Morgan Matson’s books to her debut, Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour. Each part of this post was written at a different time – weeks before re-reading, right before, and after. Writing this post has been a journey into my memories and who I was five years ago – and how much I’ve changed (thank you, Morgan, as usual, for the reflective inspiration!). And, so you don’t think it’s just me who’s having a nostalgic moment, Ambur at Burning Impossibly Bright is […]

Destination Reading: Do You Choose Vacation Books Based On Their Setting?

July 4, 2014 / 5 Comments / Posted by Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit in Uncategorized
Destination Reading: Do You Choose Vacation Books Based On Their Setting?

Happy Independence Day to my friends in the States! Today I’m thinking about travelling and reading, and how I choose my books. Do you guys ever decide to go some place on holiday, and then discover that it’s the perfect place to read a certain book? For instance, the setting or concept of the book just perfectly fits the time, the place, the location? I was just discussing this with Gillian at Writer of Wrongs, and I realized that I am totally a destination reader. There’s nothing better than going for walks and getting lost in a new city, then […]